APP - How the catholic church can solve its sexual abuse problem

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
For years the Catholic church has had a sexual abuse problem among its homosexual priests. The overwhelming majority of the abuse has been adult males on child males. That not only makes it pedophilia but homosexuality as well. Homosexuality and pedophilia are not mutually exclusive.

That being said. One must ask, why do we see this type of homosexual abuse in the Catholic Church and not other denominations? While I am not saying that there has never been an instance of sexual abuse in other denominations, I have never heard of them to the extent that you hear of it in the Catholic Church?

So why is that? Simple. Every other denomination allows their clergy to marry. As such, they attract heterosexual men vs the Catholic church which appears to attract homosexual men.

Protestants can marry. Greek Orthodox can marry. Rabbi's can marry. Even muslimes can marry.

But the Catholic Church? Their priests cannot marry.

If the Catholic Church makes this one change, over time their clergy will be dominated with heterosexual males and the child sex abuse will go away. As long as they allow their Church to be dominated by homosexual men, the sex abuse will continue.

I would have put this in the religion forum, but I did not want the trolls to destroy the thread
You saying it doesn’t make it true.

Fact remains no other religion or denomination has this issue and all allow marriage. Case closed

Eastern Rite Catholics have always allowed marriage. Maronites, Melkites, Ukrainians, Russians, Armenians, Chaldean, Greek and others.

There are homosexual priests in Catholicism just like in any other religion but it doesn't mean they are also pedophiles. Nobody claims that homosexual laymen become pedophiles just because they don't marry women.
Studies have shown it is similarly prevalent across denominations. Seems they are drawn to the power.

And priests can be married. I know a couple who are. With kids and all.

You heard about RCC because they institutionally protected these animals.

But by all means lighten up on the celibacy thing. It makes it far easier to recruit new ones.