How the Chinese Communist Party Turned My Homeland Into the World’s Largest Open-Air


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How the Chinese Communist Party Turned My Homeland Into the World’s Largest Open-Air Prison


American Thought Leaders

“They think all the sexual violence that they’re subjecting Uyghur women to—this mysterious drug that they’re giving, forced sterilization, collective punishment through gang rape—are the methods [through which] they are liberating Uyghur women. I mean, just let that sink in.”

I sit down with Uyghur-American human rights advocate Nury Turkel, vice-chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Nury Turkel was born in a Chinese re-education camp. His new book, “No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs,” is a chilling look into China’s techno-autocracy, and what can result when a communist regime is allowed to run unchecked for decades.