APP - How the democrat party could win AND lose on Kavanaugh

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Some democrats are claiming that every democrat should vote against Kavanaugh even if it costs them their seat. Of course it is easy to say when you are Dick Durbin and you will cruise to re-election in commie Illinois. Additionally, all the focus is on Collins and Murkowski who are pro abortion.

But, I theorize that if Kavanaugh gets taken out it won't be Collins and Murkowski that do it

But, let's game play this out.

Could Kavanaugh conceivably be voted down? Most definitely it is a plausible outcome and here is the scenario in which it could happen

1) All democrats vote no
2) McCain, Corker and Flake vote no to give Collins and Murkowski cover since the three of them are finished in the Senate

Now the left will declare a HUGE victory, but there will be repercussions big time. Remember this vote is going to happen before the mid terms.

This would fire up the GOP bas BIG TIME. Trump would be on the war path.

The democrat party would lose FL, IN, MO, ND, MT and WV
The Republican party would keep AZ and TX

That means the GOP would have a 56-44 edge in the US Senate (after McCain kicks the bucket)

Not only would Trump be able to nominate a more conservative justice like Barrett, they would have all sorts of power to pass Trump's agenda as well as keep any impeachment proceedings at bay

So go ahead democrats and traitor republicans. Make my day. Try to take down Kavanaugh and you will pay a big price. You will win the battle but most assuredly lose the war