APP - how the democrats plan to steal the election


Former Vice President
1) They will try to use mail in ballots and vote harvesting so they can figure out how many votes they need to overcome what will be an election night loss for Biden

2) They will have BLMTIA try to intimidate people at the polls the way they did with black panthers in Philadelphia a few years ago

3) They will scream about "voting irregularities" in their usual leftist strong holds like Broward and Dade Counties as well as Philadelphia, St Louis and other big cities always run by democrats

4) Biden has hired 600 lawyers to try to gum up the works

5) They are hell bent on sowing chaos and discord so that even if they can't steal the election they will try to deligitimize Trump.

6) In October look for the SDNY to dump some "surprise" indictment on Trump or the Trump universe

7) and of course they will try to get as many illegals and dead people to vote as possible

Leftists are the enemy of this country.