How the Dems worked with China to steal the 2020 election


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Dems were frantic after the nomination of Sleepy Joe. Trump was supposed to be a huge failure, but was delivering a great economy, peace deals in the middle east, ending endless wars, creating new and beneficial trade deals, expanding American's energy independence, etc etc.

Dems also realized they nominated an old doddering gaffe machine, that likely had no shot to win.

China was pissed! They were getting hosed by many of the new trade agreements and hated Trump for this.

China offered the dems a major assist. They could release a virus and cause a world pandemic. China knew that the hostile media in the US would somehow blame Trump for the virus, even tho it was China who released it.

They likely told Dems of the plot, and they agreed this was their best chance.

Low and behold, the China virus shows up, and media runs 24/7 segments on how Trump is killing people with it.

If this didn't work, they also had another plan. Mail in voting. Claim that the virus is too dangerous and people can't vote in person. Now you can send in ballots from all over and from dead people to get your guy across the finish line!

Tie this in with the corrupt media that provided clearly false polling show Biden ahead by double digits.

Walah! it was easy! Now China has an ally back in the WH. The plandemic worked perfectly!