APP - How the GOP can win in 2018

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The democrat party has given the GOP the means to defeat them at the ballot box in 2018 and it is the recently passed tax cut bill.

For weeks our friends in the democrat party have bemoaned the fact that the tax cuts for corporations are permanent while the tax cuts for individuals are temporary. Well, that is easily solved. On or around September 2018, the Senate and House need only bring up a stand alone bill to make the individual tax cuts PERMANENT.

Let the democrat party go on record and put their money with their collective mouths are.

Of course they will squeal and holler, but if the GOP is smart (doubtful) they will put the democrat party in the hot seat.

It would be awesome for the democrat party to vote against ordinary Americans keeping more of their own money
Prosperity breeds political success. Couple this with a security and you are pushing soccer mom buttons.

I also think they should eliminate all charitable deductions. We should not subsidize peoples good work. I do not claim charitable deductions. The bible forbids it. Jesus does not want you doing good works to get credit for it.
I think he means ^^^ "Democratic Party" those stable geniuses have trouble with spelling.
[FONT=&quot][h=1]Trump Mixes Up 'Consequential' With 'Consensual' In Tweet About New York Post Column[/h]

I also think they should eliminate all charitable deductions. We should not subsidize peoples good work. I do not claim charitable deductions. The bible forbids it. Jesus does not want you doing good works to get credit for it.

Render unto Caesar...
Jesus doesn't care about taxes.