How the hell do you get a line on the lower abs


Abreast of the situations
For the life of me I cant get that bottom line. have the top 2 horizontal and a vertical but then sort of fades into my middle aged nothing. Anyone have suggestions besides me giving up drinking?
For the life of me I cant get that bottom line. have the top 2 horizontal and a vertical but then sort of fades into my middle aged nothing. Anyone have suggestions besides me giving up drinking?

You live near the Charles, right? How about joining a rowing club? (this is at least partly tongue-in-cheek! Isn't the Charles extremely polluted?) :rolleyes:
For the life of me I cant get that bottom line. have the top 2 horizontal and a vertical but then sort of fades into my middle aged nothing. Anyone have suggestions besides me giving up drinking?

Reverse crunchs work the lower abs....
Combine with working the obliques will help to define the lower abs...

edit... forgot the easy one... leg raises... those definitely work lower abs.

Problem is... the lower abs are generally where the fat cells develop first on most men. So you either have to work them twice as hard or you have to eat better.
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You live near the Charles, right? How about joining a rowing club? (this is at least partly tongue-in-cheek! Isn't the Charles extremely polluted?) :rolleyes:

hah.. no thanks. I do use a kayak all summer and swim on a lake that i live on. Bring the lab out with me to tire him out.
better yet how do you get the first two? please advise.

150 situps 4x a week. general active lifestyle i suppose. OHH eating healthy in your normal routine of life is key.. I eat what i want when i go out or on holidays or what not but when working or just hanging around on a regular day try to eat healthy.

My problem is i like to drink I think. I will consume 10 drinks if I go. Tho again during regular nothing going on days like work nights i dont even drink.
Ohh im definitively liberal when it comes to certain things. LOL

I cannot imagine a guy saying otherwise ;). I, too, do the reverse crunches. I think for women, though, it's a bit harder to get the definition in the low abs after carrying...what I tell myself anyway lol
I dont belong to any political organization. Im a registered independent. I lean conservative financially and liberal socially but lately the republicans are total opposite (socially conservative and fiscally liberal) so im probably closer to democrat now.
I dont belong to any political organization. Im a registered independent. I lean conservative financially and liberal socially but lately the republicans are total opposite (socially conservative and fiscally liberal) so im probably closer to democrat now.

I KNOW I didn't totally misread your previous post. LOL nice cover though
Reverse crunches. You need to work on your transverse abs. I'm trying to work on the same thing myself. I can get good muscle tone on the arms, legs and upper abs, but the lower abs are the hardest part. Also, if you lose weight, it will be easier to get the defintion.
it doesn't matter how matter crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle do, you may be ripped in the ab dept.... but if you have the fat, it won't show. low carb (responsible) diet. men's health mag has good articles on this.

hasn't worked for me, but i nearly had the full pack when i followed their advice. then work took is my goal to see if i can get it or close again.....
it doesn't matter how matter crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle do, you may be ripped in the ab dept.... but if you have the fat, it won't show. low carb (responsible) diet. men's health mag has good articles on this.

hasn't worked for me, but i nearly had the full pack when i followed their advice. then work took is my goal to see if i can get it or close again.....

A good low carb diet will help. Yurt is correct about the body fat.

Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.