How the left tries desperately to control who is free to speak.

Part Multi 313

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Personally I have dealt with this for quite a long time. At around 2007 some hefty lefties (many of whom are wealthy or famous) succeeded in causing irreparable harm to my life and ever since have constantly and tirelessly assaulted me with rumors and lies and much worse in order to try and force me to roll over like a bloated corpse, bow my noggin in silence and be a pushover for them.

I like to use message boards and if that makes me look like I can use my brain and there's more to me than the repetitive nonsense of everyday life than good. But really, this aint a show. (another lefty exploitation tactic is to blow everything out of proportion and respond to nothing like your trying to send a message but of course you're not)

Anyways, in their bid to destroy what reputation I have and assassinate my character (and I am not a character, that is a figure of speech) they have followed me onto message boards and tried to create some belief about me that of course isn't true. These are horrible indirect accusations and the reason they refuse to be direct about it is because of course it isn't true. Now, convincing the other board users isnt their goal. They do this same thing in life with the people I am in direct contact with on a daily basis. They told those people lies about me in hopes that someone is gonna believe them. (and if they can get the right person to believe their lies who knows what could happen?)

So now those people who don't really know me are watching me with this belief about me wondering if it true. Now curious and monitoring me on a message board, they wonder if they can find out if it is true through my activity online. Now the lefties who spread those lies follow me onto the board and post that innuendo and lies around my own posts to cause further suggestion and hopefully shut me up. Or the holy grail of them all: mention the disgusting subject matter on my own in a retaliation against the indirect lie spreading. (the equivalent of trying to subtly annoy someone until they explode in anger.)

So, these backstabbing lefties try to distract the attention off the truth of my character, that reputation of thoughfulness and intelligence that I can get on a message board through meaningful and thought provoking discussion, with the spread of indirect lies and innuendo. Basically, lefties hate me so much they will go to these extreme lengths of deception to tear apart any sense of validity there is to me. There's no low they won't reach for in that quest, no matter how disgustingly dirty their deeds become.

Lefties hate free speech and they hate anyone with a strong sense of self or stability to them. Funny that lefties are consistently the least well spoken and least intelligent of them all. Lefties are clever and cunning but they ain't much else.

They want to take your free speech.
They want to take your firearms.
How far you going to allow them to reach?

In conclusion, here's my personal message to them because yes, they are reading this right now: you can keep posting this disgusting subject matter around everything I do and try to glue it to me. Do it all you want. I can't stop you. But no matter what you do you're not going to shut me up and you are not going to get me to promote that subject matter through discussing it. I don't want anything to do with it. It has no relation to anything in my life.

* mistakes courtesy of my stupid-phone auto-incorrect
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