A very compelling article, and something I've been thinking about since 'Opioid Epidemic' became all the buzz.
The Media Treats White Drugs Users Like Angels Who Lost Their Wings and Treats Black Drug Users Like Demons Who Must Be Returned to Hell
Despite the drug crises in white communities being the largest the United States has ever seen, dwarfing the crack epidemic of the 80s, white people — from every class status — have the benefit of never being negatively judged for their behavior; white communities have the benefit of not being raided by rabid police departments and S.W.A.T. teams; white people aren’t being rounded up and shuffled into prisons by the truckload; white communities and the people who reside in them aren’t being pathologized; no one is blaming white culture for this deviancy; no one is attributing this to the immorality of Whiteness and white people; there’s even sympathy for babies born with opioid addiction; and they are sure to downplay crystal meth and hyper-focus on opioids-as-painkillers to ensure maximum sympathy. No, for white people, this is being treated as a health crisis from which they can be saved. And addiction, for white people, is being treated as an illness.
All of this is, of course, the complete opposite of how addiction was and is being dealt with in black and brown communities. In black and brown communities, to this very day, addiction is regarded as a crime and black and brown users are considered criminals.
Please consider that the media doesn’t broach how violent crime in white communities — violent crime between white people — has exploded as a result of this drug crisis. Notice how white drug dealers’ mugshots aren’t plastered on every channel at the top of the news hour. Notice how the criminal justice system treats white drug dealers as human beings with potential and is, therefore, lenient toward them. The term “white-on-white crime” isn’t even in the American lexicon despite this significant uptick in crime in white communities that no one is talking about. In fact, when crime related to this enormous drug crisis is being discussed, white people are, once again, blaming black and brown people for white people’s “fall from grace.” This charade is an essential part of how white supremacists ensure Whiteness and white people appear biologically, ethically, morally, and psychologically superior to Blackness/Brownness and people of color.
A very compelling article, and something I've been thinking about since 'Opioid Epidemic' became all the buzz.