APP - How the Presidential Election was attempted to be stolen by democrats


First let's travel back to 2016. Trump won by razor thin margins in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. A total of 77,000 votes combined in all three states. Clearly, traditional democrat cheating should have been able to overcome those paltry leads. But, the democrat party like many totalitarians were complacent and got caught with their pants down around their ankles. They never in a million years thought Trump could beat Crooked Hillary so they didn't even think they needed to cheat. They were too busy celebrating early. By the time it was clear that Trump was going to win, there was nothing they could do. It was too late. Anything they would have tried to do would have been too obvious.

Fast forward to 2020 and they weren't going to let that happen again. Enter the "mail in votes". The democrats figured that they had mailed out enough of these fraudulent ballots that they had more than enough to beat Trump and a repeat of 2016 would be a memory.

But, Trump surprised them again. The turnout for Trump and the lead by Trump in all of these states was off the charts. At one point Trump went from a 2-1 underdog to an 8-1 favorite. He was crushing Beijing Buyden. The democrats were in a panic. They saw the outcome out of Miami Dade and they knew that if that spread across the entire country it was over by 9pm. So they went to Plan C

1) Refuse to call states like FL, OH, and TX even thought it was clear Trump had won because that would have put him in the lead with the Electoral College
2) Call states for Buyden early. For example the egregious call of Arizona. Calling Virginia while Trump was still up double digits.
3) And this was the most egregious of all. Five states WI, PA, NC, GA and MI all stopped counting votes just after midnight. All at around the same time. Other than Fulton County's lame "water pipe burst" excuse, no other excuses were given. They just stopped counting and sent GOP observers home. Convenient huh?
4) Magically ballots show up and all seem to favor Buyden

We all wake up with Buyden either in the lead or shrinking it substantially.

Now anyone thinking any of these events were just random is unbelievably naive or just willfully ignorant. Rest assured that no matter the outcome of this election the truth will come out.