this is ridiculous bullshit.
my recommendations.
1. outlaw fiat currency.
2. destroy corporations as legal entities, leaving only natural persons to operate as natural persons, with all implied rights and responsibilities. burn the corporate veil.
this is ridiculous bullshit.
my recommendations.
1. outlaw fiat currency.
2. destroy corporations as legal entities, leaving only natural persons to operate as natural persons, with all implied rights and responsibilities. burn the corporate veil.
How To Get Rid Of Trump And Anybody Like Him
The United States government can't afford it. They do not have enough gold or silver to pay for the party.this is ridiculous bullshit.
my recommendations.
1. outlaw fiat currency.
Corporations are already made up of natural persons. The corporate veil protects public stock holders from lawsuits resulting from bad decisions made by the corporation. It is also not an invincible force field for the corporate founders. It can pierced in certain cases allowing a lawsuit to go after a founder's personal wealth.2. destroy corporations as legal entities, leaving only natural persons to operate as natural persons, with all implied rights and responsibilities. burn the corporate veil.
Well, that's just crazy talk. Would you also ban the ability to invest in these "natural person" entities? Public corporations are a valid source of wealth for a wide variety of investors, from the individual to groups who pool their investments in the form of mutual funds.
Corporations are not inherently evil. What is evil is government passing laws that protect one industry at the expense of others.
Actually they are. Businesses first try to merge. Then they want to become oligopolies, like many are now. They control whole industries with a few players and control prices. They chop competition. Competition is good for consumers. it results in lower prices and more money spent on innovation and service. Then they move naturally to monopoly. It is pretty much the way that the greedy move.
Only the government has the power to stop them. that is why corporations buy up politicians and make huge donations.
When America revolted from England, a lot of the reason was the way English companies took over markets and stopped our people from making products.
Read my last sentence again. When you do get back to me.
Read my last sentence again. When you do get back to me.
Corporations with insufficient regulation are evil. The evidence has piled up for a couple of centuruies. Corporations do public harm. Check the quality of the air .land and water. Note how much fighting it required to get any cleaning whatsoever. Now Trump is gutting the regulation. Corporations' money and lobbying power is succeeding again. When has there been a magnanimous corporation? The evidence is enormous and clear. Corporations are harmful The more they are left alone, the worse they are.