How to have a happy life


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Waldinger subscribes to the theory that happiness falls into two categories. Hedonic wellbeing can be summed up as “am I having a good time right now?” he says. Then there is the Aristotelian idea of eudaimonic wellbeing: “That sense of life being meaningful and basically good.”

Loneliness is now considered to be as bad for your health as smoking – and there is a loneliness epidemic.
For 84 years, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has tracked the lives of hundreds of Americans. Now its director, Robert Waldinger, is explaining what it has taught him about health and fulfilment

In the 1980s, when data from the world’s longest-running study on happiness started to show that good relationships kept us healthier and happier, the researchers didn’t really believe it. “We know there’s a mind-body connection and we all pay lip service to it,” says Dr Robert Waldinger, the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which has been running for 84 years. “But how could warmer relationships make it less likely that you would develop coronary artery disease or arthritis? How could relationships get into the body and affect our physiology?”
One never has to be lonely, when they are with themselves. It's when one gets away from oneself, things can get lonely.

Loneliness and being alone are two distinctly different things.

You can marry, but if you are not allowed to be yourself, or be who you really are anymore because of it, you can be one of the loneliest people on earth!

If you are afraid to just be yourself when hanging out with the friends, you've chosen to hang out with, it can be a very lonely place in life as well!

If one is looking for happiness, and expecting someone else to make them happy, they may never find happiness.

You have to make yourself happy first in this world, or you may never make anyone else happy, and no one else may ever make you happy!
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One is never alone, when they are with themselves. It's when one gets away from oneself, things get lonely.

Loneliness and being alone are two distinctly different things.

You can marry, but if you are not allowed to be yourself, or be who you really are anymore because of it, you can be one of the loneliest people on earth!

If you are afraid to just be yourself when hanging out with the friends, you've chosen to hang out with, it can be a very lonely place in life as well!

Waldinger has boiled down his definition of a good life to this: “Being engaged in activities I care about with people I care about.”
Coming out of covid restrictions, I think people are learning to go out in public again and be social.

That is a great example and point!

A lot of us unknowingly, made ourselves unhappy over the last couple of years, being so much by ourselves, and watching the News from the time they get up until it's time to go to bed!

It could be worse! Some people watch FAKE NEWS from the moment they wake up- til the moment they fall asleep again!

Life must really suck for those people! :thinking:
Waldinger subscribes to the theory that happiness falls into two categories. Hedonic wellbeing can be summed up as “am I having a good time right now?” he says. Then there is the Aristotelian idea of eudaimonic wellbeing: “That sense of life being meaningful and basically good.”

Loneliness is now considered to be as bad for your health as smoking – and there is a loneliness epidemic.

Loneliness can be a serious problem but it does not HAVE to be.

I lost my wife a couple years ago and while I miss her I remain happy.

Its all in what you chose to do with your life that matters, what brings fulfillment and purpose.

Of course having the world's best daughter and now the world's best granddaughter doesn't hurt one bit.
Loneliness can be a serious problem but it does not HAVE to be.

I lost my wife a couple years ago and while I miss her I remain happy.

Its all in what you chose to do with your life that matters, what brings fulfillment and purpose.

Of course having the world's best daughter and now the world's best granddaughter doesn't hurt one bit.

Sorry about your loss Celtic. And thanks for being such a great dad and grand dad too!