How to infuriate someone

cancel2 2022

My kids were in my father in law's car, we were on the way over to some family thing, and we passed one of those churches with the three crosses on the side of the building.

Well, my eldest was about in first grade, and since we are Buddhists hasn't really had much christian training...

She sat there looking at the side of the building and then asked... "Grandpa? What are those three pluses for?"

Needless to say, the FIL was suddenly worried about the immortal souls of my children.
The "T" stands for "The Way," which is what the early followers of Jesus called themselves, based upon his statement: "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Their symbol was the fish, which has made a comeback in recent decades. Eventually, the believers got introduced to the Greek word "Cristos," which had deeper meanings than "Messiah."

I am constantly intrigued by non-believers and what they think would infuriate a believer. Most Christians I know, would take the opportunity of the smart-ass remark, to witness to the non-believer and tell him exactly what the cross symbolizes. Those who know God are not infuriated by those who don't know God, that would be kind of silly, wouldn't it?