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Once you have BECOME the leader of the Republican Party, here’s how to REMAIN the leader:
- Think that governing is:
> like acting in a “reality” TV show where you are the star, and “reality” is what YOU want it to be
> like running a small family business, where you have ABSOLUTE POWER over EVERYTHING
> entertaining at pep rallies ... where you scream, lie, whine, brag, and act like a CLOWN
> tweeting ... where you lie, whine, and brag
> calling into Fox News ... where you lie, whine, brag, and get advice on how to handle important national issues
> doing “executive time” ... where you lie in bed watching TV and eating cheeseburgers
> playing lots and lots of golf
> creating chaos at home and abroad
> making up childish nicknames for people you do not like
> having your VP and your cabinet kiss you’re @$$ for the TV cameras
> having Congressional Republicans kiss you’re @$$ for the TV cameras
> undoing Obama’s accomplishments, driven by your insane jealousy of him
> leading us into the past, and ignoring the future
> AND: by creating the GREATEST MESS in American history for our next president to clean-up
- Make American great again:
> by attacking institutions that make America great; for example: by demonizing our free press; by attacking our judicial system; by undermining our right to vote; by dismantling our Post Offices
> by demonizing and eliminating career public servants who work hard every day to make America great
> by selling-off our public lands and our national parks
> by trying to divide us; for example: on race and ethnicity; on protests against the unnecessary deaths of black people; on the Coronavirus; on climate change
> by pursuing a policy that appears to many to be a MRGA policy (Make Russia Great Again)
> by traumatizing families at the southern border, by separating children from their parents, and have NO PLAN to reunite them
> by traumatizing families in America, by deporting people who have been here for years, who were assets to their communities, and who were helping to make America great
> by planning to traumatize DACA Dreamers by deporting them to their native countries, when those countries are now foreign to them
> by terrorizing children who are legally in our country to receive life-saving medical care, by threatening to deport them
> bottom line: by having NO IDEA of what makes America great
- Make America safe again:
> by attacking agencies that keep America safe; for example: by demonizing our intelligence agencies
> by perverting the mission of agencies that keep America safe; for example: the EPA; the CDC; the FDA
> by undermining our government scientists who are doing research that could lead to ideas that would keep America safe
> by blurting out classified information to foreign nationals (including Russians), and thus putting our national security at risk
> by overriding our FBI investigators when they denied security clearances to number of people who they deemed to be national security risks; for example: Jared Kushner; Ivanka Trump
> by bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea
> by ignoring the many early warnings about the coming Coronavirus; and then impeding the work of our heroes who are combating the virus, by failing to provide them with enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies; and then attacking those heroes for warning us that they do not have enough of those items
- Put America first:
> by putting us first in the total number of Coronavirus cases
> by putting us first in the daily number of Coronavirus cases
> by putting us first in the number of Coronavirus deaths
> by betraying our allies, the Ukrainians, while they were under attack by the Russians, and WHILE you want a hotel deal in Russia
> by betraying our allies, the Kurds, and giving Turkey the green light to attack them, WHILE you want a hotel deal in Turkey
> by subjugating yourself to Putin, as if you are pursuing a MARS policy (Make America a Russian Satellite)
- Make Mexico pay for your wall:
> by confiscating money from our military to pay for it
> and therefore, by making America pay for it
> bottom line: make Mexico pay for your wall, by making America pay for your wall
- Hire the best people:
> by hiring unqualified people; for example: a surgeon to lead HUD; a lawyer to lead the EPA; a former governor with no job experience in science to lead the Energy department
> by nominating judges who were deemed unqualified by the American Bar Association
> by hiring people who had to be removed from their jobs, because of their misconduct; for example: a campaign manager; an assistant campaign manager; a national security advisor
> by hiring people who rip-off the American taxpayers; for example: a HUD secretary; an HHS secretary; an EPA administrator
- Drain the swamp:
> by hiring swamp creatures; for example: hire people who rip-off the American taxpayers
> by firing government watch-dogs (AKA, inspectors general) who look for swamp creatures, so that these creatures can be removed from their jobs, and then be brought to justice
> by BEING a swamp creature; for example: use OUR government to reward anyone, domestic or foreign, who puts money into YOUR pocket; lie to us and downplay the dangers of the Coronavirus (which cost a lot of our livelihoods and lives), and tell the truth about it to your rich donor friends so that they could make BIG money in the stock market (which made them a lot richer)
- Work for average Americans:
> by giving yourself and the wealthy MAJOR tax cuts, while giving MEAGER tax cuts to average Americans
> by fighting to take affordable healthcare away from millions of average Americans
> by fighting to undermine programs that benefit senior Americans; for example: Social Security and Medicare
> by fighting to undermine programs that help low-income Americans; for example: Medicaid and food stamps
> by undermining regulations to protect workers
> by undermining regulations to protect consumers
> by eliminating regulations to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, and thus increase our risk for sickness and disease
- Be a wartime president:
> by ignoring intelligence reports of the approaching enemy
> by failing to supply your troops with enough weapons to fight the enemy
> by telling your troops that they are on their own
> by being AWOL on the battlefield
> by pretending that the war is almost over, while the enemy is alive-and-well, and has NOT yet been defeated
> by allowing the enemy to devastate our nation
> bottom line #1: by being a wartime CHEERLEADER instead of a wartime LEADER
> bottom line #2: by PROCLAIMING yourself to be a wartime president
- Be the law-and-order president:
> by encouraging Russia to illegally interfere with our 2016 election
> by attempting to force Ukraine to illegally interfere with our 2020 election
> by illegally delaying military aid to Ukraine, aid that was approved by Congress and the Pentagon
> by obstructing the Mueller investigation
> by obstructing the impeachment inquiry
> by attacking judges for making lawful decisions; for example: Judge Gonzalo Curiel; Judge Amy Berman Jackson; Justice Sonia Sotomayor; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
> by defending and praising criminals; for example: Paul Manafort; Roger Stone; Joe Arpaio
> by defending and praising anarchists who support you; for example: an anarchist who murdered two peaceful protesters and tried to murder a third; a group of anarchists who plotted to kidnap and murder a state governor, because she implemented a policy to protect her citizens from the Coronavirus
> by appointing an Attorney General who puts his loyalty to you, over his loyalty to our laws and our Constitution
> bottom line #1: by routinely ignoring our laws and our Constitution
> bottom line #2: by being the LAWLESS law-and-order president
- Tell it like it is:
> by being a serial liar and telling over 20 thousand lies during the past four years
> by lying to the American people and downplaying the danger of the Coronavirus, when you knew that it was an EXTREMELY dangerous virus
> by taking TOTAL credit for the good economy that you inherited from Obama and Biden
> by taking TOTAL credit for defeating ISIS in Syria, after the Kurds played a MAJOR role in defeating ISIS
> by putting TOTAL blame on China for the Coronavirus problem in America, after you failed to act on the MANY early warnings about the coming virus, and then you GROSSLY mismanaged the federal response to the virus
> by calling the Democrats the “do-nothing Democrats”, when in reality, the House Democrats have passed HUNDREDS of bills, but you, Moscow Mitch, and the do-nothing Banana Republicans in Congress have ignored MOST of them
- Show that you, and you alone, can fix it:
> by breaking the Iran deal (a deal that was not perfect, but it was working), instead of trying fix it; and you did not try to fix the deal, because you had NO idea how to fix it, because you did not understand MOST of it
> by breaking the deal with our partners in the Paris Climate Agreement (which you said was a bad deal for the US), instead of trying to fix the deal to your liking; and you did not try to fix the deal, because you had NO idea how to fix it, because you do not understand science, and you do not understand the dynamics of climate change
> by trying to destroy the ACA (a law that is not perfect, but is very popular, because it is doing a lot of good for a lot of people, but it has been attacked and undermined by the Banana Republicans at all levels of our government), instead of trying to fix the imperfections; and you will not try to fix the imperfections, because you have NO idea how to fix them, because, as you have admitted, healthcare is far too complicated for you to understand
> by trying to break our entire healthcare system by undermining Medicare and Medicaid, as well as destroying the ACA
> bottom line #1: by being better at breaking than fixing
> bottom line #2: by having NO idea of how to fix much of anything, because you do not understand much of anything
- Show that you are the world’s greatest negotiator:
> by using a negotiation “strategy” that is driven by your overly inflated ego, and that focuses on charm and BS to persuade your opponent(s), instead of being driven by arguments based on pertinent facts and sound logic
> by downplaying the value of properly preparing for a negotiation, and viewing a “let’s wing it” approach as a better negotiation “strategy”
> by claiming that you do not have to prepare for a negotiation, because you have been preparing for it all of your life
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you walk out of a meeting before you accomplish the goal of the meeting, and thus you waste the taxpayers’ money for your travel expenses; for example: a meeting with Kim in Vietnam
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you give-up your bargaining chip(s), BEFORE you get to the bargaining table; for example: Jerusalem
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you make major concessions, and you get little or nothing in return; for example: downsizing our military exercises with South Korea in exchange for love letters from Kim where he calls you “your Excellency”
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” that puts America at risk ... in fact, at DANGEROUS and UNNECESSARY risk; for example: by taunting Kim and bringing us to the brink of NUCLEAR war with North Korea
> bottom line: by saying over and over again that you are the world’s greatest dealmaker
- Show that you have a very good brain:
> by being easily manipulated by people who flatter you; for example: Putin; Kim
> by thinking that negotiating a complex international agreement is like making a simple real estate deal
> by thinking that a person who is successful in one field will be automatically successful in a completely different field; for example: thinking that a right-wing radio talk show host could do a job that required a background in science; thinking that a real estate developer could reform our criminal-justice system, could handle diplomacy with China and Mexico, and could revamp how our government works
> by thinking that raking forest floors can prevent forest fires
> by thinking that dropping nuclear bombs on hurricanes could be a good way of stopping them from reaching the US
> by pretending that the Coronavirus problem is not as bad as it actually is
> by thinking that the chloroquine is a cure for the Coronavirus, when our medical experts tell you over and over again that it could cause SERIOUS harm and even DEATH
> by thinking that bleach could be a cure for the Coronavirus
> by thinking that inserting a light into a body orifice could be a cure for the Coronavirus
> by holding pep rallies during the Covid era, where you pack large numbers of people together, and tell them not to wear masks
> by being easily duped by hairbrained conspiracy theories OVER and OVER and OVER again, that ALL of our intelligence agencies tell you OVER and OVER and OVER again, are NOT true
- Show that you have great and unmatched wisdom:
> by making important decisions based on impulse and ignorance, instead of careful thought and sound reasoning
> by focusing on BS and soundbites, and ignoring substance and details
> by being unable to recognize cause-and-effect relationships; for example: air pollution and respiratory disease; burning of fossil fuels and climate change; deforestation and climate change
> by thinking that people from Fox News and right-wing talk radio are a better source of the information you need, than your briefings from our intelligence experts and our experts in other fields
> by undermining our federal government; for example: by gutting our State Department; by attacking our intelligence agencies; by perverting the mission of agencies that keep us safe
> by undermining our international alliances; for example: NATO; our alliance with the Kurds; our alliance with Ukraine
> by undermining efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic; for example: by cutting funding to the WHO; by perverting the mission of the CDC and the FDA; by failing provide enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies to those who need it to combat the virus; by telling us not to be afraid of the virus
> by being viewed as Putin’s useful idiot by many here in America and many around the world
> by being viewed as a moron by your Secretary of State
> by being viewed as an idiot by your Secretary of Defense
- Show that you have a good instincts:
> by predicting that the Coronavirus would disappear on Easter (but it did NOT)
> by predicting that the Coronavirus would disappear when the warm weather arrived (but it did NOT)
> by predicting that we would soon have zero Coronavirus cases when we had a FEW cases (and now we have MILLIONS of cases)
> by refusing to use the full power of the Defense Production Act to produce enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies for our healthcare workers and our scientists; and as a result, our Coronavirus problem will be PROLONGED, and MORE livelihoods and MORE lives will be lost than there had to be
In summary:
If Tricky Trump continues to do all of that,
and if he continues to be a master entertainer and showman,
and if he continues to be a master con artist and brainwasher,
and if he can successfully RIG the election in his favor,
then he will REMAIN the leader of the Republican Party.
And as we ALL know, Dirty Don will play DIRTY to rig the election. He will LIE incessantly. He will use lots and lots of DECEPTIVE video ads and fliers. And he will have his band of anti-democratic accomplices ... Moscow Mitch, his Roy Cohn in the Justice Department, the Banana Republicans at all levels of our government, his unscrupulous lawyers, his pro-Trump federal judges and justices, his pro-Trump anarchists, his puppet master Putin, and other pro-Trump lowlifes ... UNDERMINE, IMPEDE, and CORRUPT our voting process.
If Trump and his accomplices are able to rig the election, life will NOT get better for MOST of us, because Don-the-Despot and his accomplices will NOT let that happen.
And Trump will incessantly LIE to us as he has done for the past four years, he will create CHAOS as he has done for the past four years, he will be LAWLESS as he has been for the past four years, he will use our government to ENRICH himself as he has done for the past four years, and he will UNDERMINE our democracy as he has done for the past four years.
And he will continue to put our livelihoods and lives, our nation, and our planet AT RISK.
- Think that governing is:
> like acting in a “reality” TV show where you are the star, and “reality” is what YOU want it to be
> like running a small family business, where you have ABSOLUTE POWER over EVERYTHING
> entertaining at pep rallies ... where you scream, lie, whine, brag, and act like a CLOWN
> tweeting ... where you lie, whine, and brag
> calling into Fox News ... where you lie, whine, brag, and get advice on how to handle important national issues
> doing “executive time” ... where you lie in bed watching TV and eating cheeseburgers
> playing lots and lots of golf
> creating chaos at home and abroad
> making up childish nicknames for people you do not like
> having your VP and your cabinet kiss you’re @$$ for the TV cameras
> having Congressional Republicans kiss you’re @$$ for the TV cameras
> undoing Obama’s accomplishments, driven by your insane jealousy of him
> leading us into the past, and ignoring the future
> AND: by creating the GREATEST MESS in American history for our next president to clean-up
- Make American great again:
> by attacking institutions that make America great; for example: by demonizing our free press; by attacking our judicial system; by undermining our right to vote; by dismantling our Post Offices
> by demonizing and eliminating career public servants who work hard every day to make America great
> by selling-off our public lands and our national parks
> by trying to divide us; for example: on race and ethnicity; on protests against the unnecessary deaths of black people; on the Coronavirus; on climate change
> by pursuing a policy that appears to many to be a MRGA policy (Make Russia Great Again)
> by traumatizing families at the southern border, by separating children from their parents, and have NO PLAN to reunite them
> by traumatizing families in America, by deporting people who have been here for years, who were assets to their communities, and who were helping to make America great
> by planning to traumatize DACA Dreamers by deporting them to their native countries, when those countries are now foreign to them
> by terrorizing children who are legally in our country to receive life-saving medical care, by threatening to deport them
> bottom line: by having NO IDEA of what makes America great
- Make America safe again:
> by attacking agencies that keep America safe; for example: by demonizing our intelligence agencies
> by perverting the mission of agencies that keep America safe; for example: the EPA; the CDC; the FDA
> by undermining our government scientists who are doing research that could lead to ideas that would keep America safe
> by blurting out classified information to foreign nationals (including Russians), and thus putting our national security at risk
> by overriding our FBI investigators when they denied security clearances to number of people who they deemed to be national security risks; for example: Jared Kushner; Ivanka Trump
> by bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea
> by ignoring the many early warnings about the coming Coronavirus; and then impeding the work of our heroes who are combating the virus, by failing to provide them with enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies; and then attacking those heroes for warning us that they do not have enough of those items
- Put America first:
> by putting us first in the total number of Coronavirus cases
> by putting us first in the daily number of Coronavirus cases
> by putting us first in the number of Coronavirus deaths
> by betraying our allies, the Ukrainians, while they were under attack by the Russians, and WHILE you want a hotel deal in Russia
> by betraying our allies, the Kurds, and giving Turkey the green light to attack them, WHILE you want a hotel deal in Turkey
> by subjugating yourself to Putin, as if you are pursuing a MARS policy (Make America a Russian Satellite)
- Make Mexico pay for your wall:
> by confiscating money from our military to pay for it
> and therefore, by making America pay for it
> bottom line: make Mexico pay for your wall, by making America pay for your wall
- Hire the best people:
> by hiring unqualified people; for example: a surgeon to lead HUD; a lawyer to lead the EPA; a former governor with no job experience in science to lead the Energy department
> by nominating judges who were deemed unqualified by the American Bar Association
> by hiring people who had to be removed from their jobs, because of their misconduct; for example: a campaign manager; an assistant campaign manager; a national security advisor
> by hiring people who rip-off the American taxpayers; for example: a HUD secretary; an HHS secretary; an EPA administrator
- Drain the swamp:
> by hiring swamp creatures; for example: hire people who rip-off the American taxpayers
> by firing government watch-dogs (AKA, inspectors general) who look for swamp creatures, so that these creatures can be removed from their jobs, and then be brought to justice
> by BEING a swamp creature; for example: use OUR government to reward anyone, domestic or foreign, who puts money into YOUR pocket; lie to us and downplay the dangers of the Coronavirus (which cost a lot of our livelihoods and lives), and tell the truth about it to your rich donor friends so that they could make BIG money in the stock market (which made them a lot richer)
- Work for average Americans:
> by giving yourself and the wealthy MAJOR tax cuts, while giving MEAGER tax cuts to average Americans
> by fighting to take affordable healthcare away from millions of average Americans
> by fighting to undermine programs that benefit senior Americans; for example: Social Security and Medicare
> by fighting to undermine programs that help low-income Americans; for example: Medicaid and food stamps
> by undermining regulations to protect workers
> by undermining regulations to protect consumers
> by eliminating regulations to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, and thus increase our risk for sickness and disease
- Be a wartime president:
> by ignoring intelligence reports of the approaching enemy
> by failing to supply your troops with enough weapons to fight the enemy
> by telling your troops that they are on their own
> by being AWOL on the battlefield
> by pretending that the war is almost over, while the enemy is alive-and-well, and has NOT yet been defeated
> by allowing the enemy to devastate our nation
> bottom line #1: by being a wartime CHEERLEADER instead of a wartime LEADER
> bottom line #2: by PROCLAIMING yourself to be a wartime president
- Be the law-and-order president:
> by encouraging Russia to illegally interfere with our 2016 election
> by attempting to force Ukraine to illegally interfere with our 2020 election
> by illegally delaying military aid to Ukraine, aid that was approved by Congress and the Pentagon
> by obstructing the Mueller investigation
> by obstructing the impeachment inquiry
> by attacking judges for making lawful decisions; for example: Judge Gonzalo Curiel; Judge Amy Berman Jackson; Justice Sonia Sotomayor; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
> by defending and praising criminals; for example: Paul Manafort; Roger Stone; Joe Arpaio
> by defending and praising anarchists who support you; for example: an anarchist who murdered two peaceful protesters and tried to murder a third; a group of anarchists who plotted to kidnap and murder a state governor, because she implemented a policy to protect her citizens from the Coronavirus
> by appointing an Attorney General who puts his loyalty to you, over his loyalty to our laws and our Constitution
> bottom line #1: by routinely ignoring our laws and our Constitution
> bottom line #2: by being the LAWLESS law-and-order president
- Tell it like it is:
> by being a serial liar and telling over 20 thousand lies during the past four years
> by lying to the American people and downplaying the danger of the Coronavirus, when you knew that it was an EXTREMELY dangerous virus
> by taking TOTAL credit for the good economy that you inherited from Obama and Biden
> by taking TOTAL credit for defeating ISIS in Syria, after the Kurds played a MAJOR role in defeating ISIS
> by putting TOTAL blame on China for the Coronavirus problem in America, after you failed to act on the MANY early warnings about the coming virus, and then you GROSSLY mismanaged the federal response to the virus
> by calling the Democrats the “do-nothing Democrats”, when in reality, the House Democrats have passed HUNDREDS of bills, but you, Moscow Mitch, and the do-nothing Banana Republicans in Congress have ignored MOST of them
- Show that you, and you alone, can fix it:
> by breaking the Iran deal (a deal that was not perfect, but it was working), instead of trying fix it; and you did not try to fix the deal, because you had NO idea how to fix it, because you did not understand MOST of it
> by breaking the deal with our partners in the Paris Climate Agreement (which you said was a bad deal for the US), instead of trying to fix the deal to your liking; and you did not try to fix the deal, because you had NO idea how to fix it, because you do not understand science, and you do not understand the dynamics of climate change
> by trying to destroy the ACA (a law that is not perfect, but is very popular, because it is doing a lot of good for a lot of people, but it has been attacked and undermined by the Banana Republicans at all levels of our government), instead of trying to fix the imperfections; and you will not try to fix the imperfections, because you have NO idea how to fix them, because, as you have admitted, healthcare is far too complicated for you to understand
> by trying to break our entire healthcare system by undermining Medicare and Medicaid, as well as destroying the ACA
> bottom line #1: by being better at breaking than fixing
> bottom line #2: by having NO idea of how to fix much of anything, because you do not understand much of anything
- Show that you are the world’s greatest negotiator:
> by using a negotiation “strategy” that is driven by your overly inflated ego, and that focuses on charm and BS to persuade your opponent(s), instead of being driven by arguments based on pertinent facts and sound logic
> by downplaying the value of properly preparing for a negotiation, and viewing a “let’s wing it” approach as a better negotiation “strategy”
> by claiming that you do not have to prepare for a negotiation, because you have been preparing for it all of your life
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you walk out of a meeting before you accomplish the goal of the meeting, and thus you waste the taxpayers’ money for your travel expenses; for example: a meeting with Kim in Vietnam
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you give-up your bargaining chip(s), BEFORE you get to the bargaining table; for example: Jerusalem
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” where you make major concessions, and you get little or nothing in return; for example: downsizing our military exercises with South Korea in exchange for love letters from Kim where he calls you “your Excellency”
> by being willing to use a negotiation “strategy” that puts America at risk ... in fact, at DANGEROUS and UNNECESSARY risk; for example: by taunting Kim and bringing us to the brink of NUCLEAR war with North Korea
> bottom line: by saying over and over again that you are the world’s greatest dealmaker
- Show that you have a very good brain:
> by being easily manipulated by people who flatter you; for example: Putin; Kim
> by thinking that negotiating a complex international agreement is like making a simple real estate deal
> by thinking that a person who is successful in one field will be automatically successful in a completely different field; for example: thinking that a right-wing radio talk show host could do a job that required a background in science; thinking that a real estate developer could reform our criminal-justice system, could handle diplomacy with China and Mexico, and could revamp how our government works
> by thinking that raking forest floors can prevent forest fires
> by thinking that dropping nuclear bombs on hurricanes could be a good way of stopping them from reaching the US
> by pretending that the Coronavirus problem is not as bad as it actually is
> by thinking that the chloroquine is a cure for the Coronavirus, when our medical experts tell you over and over again that it could cause SERIOUS harm and even DEATH
> by thinking that bleach could be a cure for the Coronavirus
> by thinking that inserting a light into a body orifice could be a cure for the Coronavirus
> by holding pep rallies during the Covid era, where you pack large numbers of people together, and tell them not to wear masks
> by being easily duped by hairbrained conspiracy theories OVER and OVER and OVER again, that ALL of our intelligence agencies tell you OVER and OVER and OVER again, are NOT true
- Show that you have great and unmatched wisdom:
> by making important decisions based on impulse and ignorance, instead of careful thought and sound reasoning
> by focusing on BS and soundbites, and ignoring substance and details
> by being unable to recognize cause-and-effect relationships; for example: air pollution and respiratory disease; burning of fossil fuels and climate change; deforestation and climate change
> by thinking that people from Fox News and right-wing talk radio are a better source of the information you need, than your briefings from our intelligence experts and our experts in other fields
> by undermining our federal government; for example: by gutting our State Department; by attacking our intelligence agencies; by perverting the mission of agencies that keep us safe
> by undermining our international alliances; for example: NATO; our alliance with the Kurds; our alliance with Ukraine
> by undermining efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic; for example: by cutting funding to the WHO; by perverting the mission of the CDC and the FDA; by failing provide enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies to those who need it to combat the virus; by telling us not to be afraid of the virus
> by being viewed as Putin’s useful idiot by many here in America and many around the world
> by being viewed as a moron by your Secretary of State
> by being viewed as an idiot by your Secretary of Defense
- Show that you have a good instincts:
> by predicting that the Coronavirus would disappear on Easter (but it did NOT)
> by predicting that the Coronavirus would disappear when the warm weather arrived (but it did NOT)
> by predicting that we would soon have zero Coronavirus cases when we had a FEW cases (and now we have MILLIONS of cases)
> by refusing to use the full power of the Defense Production Act to produce enough PPE, medical supplies, and testing supplies for our healthcare workers and our scientists; and as a result, our Coronavirus problem will be PROLONGED, and MORE livelihoods and MORE lives will be lost than there had to be
In summary:
If Tricky Trump continues to do all of that,
and if he continues to be a master entertainer and showman,
and if he continues to be a master con artist and brainwasher,
and if he can successfully RIG the election in his favor,
then he will REMAIN the leader of the Republican Party.
And as we ALL know, Dirty Don will play DIRTY to rig the election. He will LIE incessantly. He will use lots and lots of DECEPTIVE video ads and fliers. And he will have his band of anti-democratic accomplices ... Moscow Mitch, his Roy Cohn in the Justice Department, the Banana Republicans at all levels of our government, his unscrupulous lawyers, his pro-Trump federal judges and justices, his pro-Trump anarchists, his puppet master Putin, and other pro-Trump lowlifes ... UNDERMINE, IMPEDE, and CORRUPT our voting process.
If Trump and his accomplices are able to rig the election, life will NOT get better for MOST of us, because Don-the-Despot and his accomplices will NOT let that happen.
And Trump will incessantly LIE to us as he has done for the past four years, he will create CHAOS as he has done for the past four years, he will be LAWLESS as he has been for the past four years, he will use our government to ENRICH himself as he has done for the past four years, and he will UNDERMINE our democracy as he has done for the past four years.
And he will continue to put our livelihoods and lives, our nation, and our planet AT RISK.