How To Resist Corruption In each Reality Present.


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Universal constant that doesn't change regardless how life never stays same reproductions occupying time now.

Genetics adds the specific ancestors evolving forward here is how each arrived to life self evidently alive now.

Context invents reasonable doubts now is eternity by convincing every added great great grandchild to follow their previous 4 generation gaps already corrupted since birth over past 350 generation gaps lived historically so far.

ee Karma comes from defying perpetual balancing outcomes only occupying time here now.

Distance between full circle logic and complete cycle of reproduction between inception of ancestral DNA streaming and end of added great great grandchildren arriving one at a time here.

Specificity of chromosomes match my description and observations of honest interpretations of how and why there was always a common core to each cycle present eternally different each next generated replacement arrived. Follow the chromosomes.
16 great great grandparents are 6.25% each great great grandchild since inception.
2nd generation of ancestral progression left 8 great grandparents being 12.5% each great grandchild, still the same baby born by the original 16.
3rd generation of 4 grandparents are 25% their grandchildren.
4th generation of 2 parenting the arrival of the original 16 great great grandchild as their unique son or daughter.
5th generation gap never same lifetime again is 100% unique to space as their original 16 great great grandparents male or female.

What generation gap has each reached after birth? Life and this environment is always an adapt or become extinct time regardless which generation gap one arrived first or last.

Instinctive honesty always exposes reasonable doubt misleading ancestries ancestrally to current events.
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You make my brain hurt

I can explain why that happens. Your instinctive brain recognizes what you mind is inaccurate to what you navigate evolving in real time limited to occupying space never same total sum twice now.Kinetic evolving is nothing like evolution theory suggests missing links happened.

Compounding chromosomes don't exceed the ancestors reproductively native to this atmosphere ever. Yet every reality promises better tomorrows only adapting forward now. Empty promises filled with corrupted interpretations of being alive now.