How to run your wind farm 24/7

cancel2 2022

1. Build your wind power system.
2. Build your back-up system consisting of 100% equivalent capacity in gas turbine generators.
3. Using high explosives, blow your wind power system all to hell.
4. Run your back-up gas turbine generators 24/7.
5. To save even more money, skip steps 1 and 3. ��

Wind power is only pseudo-renewable. The wind may be free. But nothing of what’s required to harness breezes to power civilization is free, renewable, climate-friendly, eco-friendly or sustainable.

Consumers demand and require reliable, affordable electricity 24/7/365. Weather dependent, intermittent, unreliable wind power requires 100% backup by coal or gas power plants that must run all the time on “spinning reserve,” ready to step in every time the wind dies down. That means extra costs, materials and fuels for the backup units – on top of the costs, materials and fuels to make and install the turbines.
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1. Build your wind power system.
2. Build your back-up system consisting of 100% equivalent capacity in gas turbine generators.
3. Using high explosives, blow your wind power system all to hell.
4. Run your back-up gas turbine generators 24/7.
5. To save even more money, skip steps 1 and 3. ��

Wind power is only pseudo-renewable. The wind may be free. But nothing of what’s required to harness breezes to power civilization is free, renewable, climate-friendly, eco-friendly or sustainable.

Consumers demand and require reliable, affordable electricity 24/7/365. Weather dependent, intermittent, unreliable wind power requires 100% backup by coal or gas power plants that must run all the time on “spinning reserve,” ready to step in every time the wind dies down. That means extra costs, materials and fuels for the backup units – on top of the costs, materials and fuels to make and install the turbines.

Doris ought to read this, it's specially written for imbeciles.
Isn't it true that wind turbines have a lifespan of around 20 years and cause huge environmental damage in their manufacture, transportation and installation?
Doesn't the environmental impact of their manufacture, transportation, installation, maintenance and disposal outweigh any benefit they supposedly provide?

Without question, but muppets like Dotty are incapable of understanding that. I despair at how ignorant people are.
Without question, but muppets like Dotty are incapable of understanding that. I despair at how ignorant people are.

Leftist ignorance is a renewable resource.

Don't wind turbines slaughter untold numbers of endangered species of birds and disrupt migratory patterns?
Leftist ignorance is a renewable resource.

Don't wind turbines slaughter untold numbers of endangered species of birds and disrupt migratory patterns?

The majority of birds killed are raptors and large sea birds. I would hope that the powers that be perform an impact assessment on migratory birds but for some reason they get a pass, Californians seem to care more about the Spotted Owl than birds of prey.

Wind turbines at Altamont Pass kill an estimated 880 to 1,300 birds of prey each year, including up to 116 golden eagles, 300 red-tailed hawks, 380 burrowing owls, and additional hundreds of other raptors including kestrels, falcons, vultures, and other owl species.
Isn't it true that wind turbines have a lifespan of around 20 years and cause huge environmental damage in their manufacture, transportation and installation?

Actually not as much as you would like to claim.

They are a bit fugly, but they do a good job. You should invest!