How to spot a Nazi

They take over their neck of the woods on the basis of language, race etc.

They monopolize the media. Dissent is unheard of.

They are socially ultra-conservative, in public at least.

They allow capitalists to make zillions as long as they toe the line.

They attack foreign countries, often on the grounds that they feel threatened.

Sadly, they may end up shooting themselves.

I hope this is useful to President Putin in his campaign of denazification. Hint: a mirror would help him, too.
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How to spot a Leftist

They take over their neck of the woods on the basis of language, race etc.

They monopolize the media. Dissent is unheard of.

They are socially ultra-Liberal, in public at least.

They Socialize business and industry to make zillions.

They attack their own citizens, often on the grounds that they feel threatened.

Sadly, they end up shooting tens of thousands of their fellow citizens to stay in power...
Can anyone post to this thread- or is this a thread for the inane only?

So far, you two are batting 1,000 for the Bat-shit-crazy team!



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The Repubs are infiltrated with nazis and Qanon crazies. There is a reason they are not on the left. They are not welcome and their philosophy does not jibe with what the left believes. The violent right is a sector of the Republican party. They are growing in that cesspool of hate. Eventually, the wealthy who are using them will not be able to control them.
How to spot a Leftist

They take over their neck of the woods on the basis of language, race etc.

They monopolize the media. Dissent is unheard of.

They are socially ultra-Liberal, in public at least.

They Socialize business and industry to make zillions.

They attack their own citizens, often on the grounds that they feel threatened.

Sadly, they end up shooting tens of thousands of their fellow citizens to stay in power...
