How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you

cancel2 2022

Christie and Nurcat, you have been warned!!

So far, my parent's cat has only completed the technology and kneading tasks. She's got a lot further to go, but her predecessor did do the dead animals, staring contests, hiding in the dark, and sprinting tasks, so he was quite advanced. If they had ever known each other, the way her predecessor had known his predecessor for a couple of years, my parents would probably be in for a lot of trouble!
Its my firm belief that most cats are patiently waiting for their owner to stroke out so they can then eat them.
When I was in college I was dating this rather sheltered and niave librarian science major who just adored cats. So, me being a biology major asker her is she'd like to come up and see the kitty's in the bio lab. Now you'd think that would have been one great big clue but she only got excited about going up to the lab to see some kitty's.

In the lab me and my comparative anatomy lab partner had taken a dead cat which was laid open for dissection and attached a dc power supply to its vegas nerve and its sciatic nerve.

When I took her to show her the cat she grossed out and told me I was sick so I told her "Just watch". I turned on the dc power supply and the muscles in the cat contracted all at once. She gave me a curious look and said "Oh, neat.". I then turned off the dc power supply and the cats muscles all relaxed. Including the muscles of the chest, forcing air from the chest cavity and through the cats larnyx causing the dead cat to produce an erie "mrreaoooooooooow".

Spooked her so bad she could have beaten Carl Lewis getting out of there! LOL
When I was in college I was dating this rather sheltered and niave librarian science major who just adored cats. So, me being a biology major asker her is she'd like to come up and see the kitty's in the bio lab. Now you'd think that would have been one great big clue but she only got excited about going up to the lab to see some kitty's.

In the lab me and my comparative anatomy lab partner had taken a dead cat which was laid open for dissection and attached a dc power supply to its vegas nerve and its sciatic nerve.

When I took her to show her the cat she grossed out and told me I was sick so I told her "Just watch". I turned on the dc power supply and the muscles in the cat contracted all at once. She gave me a curious look and said "Oh, neat.". I then turned off the dc power supply and the cats muscles all relaxed. Including the muscles of the chest, forcing air from the chest cavity and through the cats larnyx causing the dead cat to produce an erie "mrreaoooooooooow".

Spooked her so bad she could have beaten Carl Lewis getting out of there! LOL

Take note board virgins.

Dead Cats + Electricity = Moist Ladies