How to think about Christian terrorism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
America must address the disease of the Fundy white terrorist goyim , by any means necessary

Thanks to the privilege Christianity has in our culture, Presbyterians (and Christians in general) will have an advantage that Muslim Americans don’t get when a shooter is Muslim. Though some want to blame this act of Christian terrorism on Muslims.

However, there are racist and anti-Semitic influences that persist in Christianity and that played a role in this attack.

By looking at the suspect’s version of Christianity — a version of that religion that also gave us Paul Hill, who was convicted of murdering an abortion doctor in the 1990s — we may learn how to recognize and critique dangerous, violent and undemocratic threads within a religious tradition without demonizing entire groups of people.

The suspect in the Poway shooting belongs to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, one of several smaller, more conservative Presbyterian denominations.

In his version of Christianity, hate is biblical: “The law of God is the law of the absolute and totally personal Creator whose law operates in the context of His love and hate, His grace towards His people and His wrath towards His enemies.” (IBL 24)

Perhaps more to the point, the Poway suspect is not the first terrorist to come from this small corner of the Christian world.

In 2003, Hill was executed in Florida for murders he committed in “defense of the unborn.” He had been an ordained OPC minister and had made the same defense of hate in his manifesto. Hill had been dis-fellowshipped, but not for these views; his offense was his failure to submit to his church authorities.
Political extremism now gives us another group to hate--Presbyterians

That now gives us blacks, Jews, homosexuals, Christians, white people, corporations, the media, illegal immigrants, Muslims, Trump supporters, liberal-socialist-communists, rich people.....and so on.
Everyone knows that in the breast of every Presbyterian beats the heart of a rebel & trouble maker

IMHO most of these ppl that go around killing innocent ppl are nuts, mentally ill & religion, politics, racism etc is merely a tool, a vehicle, an excuse to carry out/act out what is already in their twisted head...
There is no such thing as Christian terrorists. Christianity and terrorism are incompatible. Any terrorist who claims to be a Christian is lying.
America must address the disease of the Fundy white terrorist goyim , by any means necessary

Thanks to the privilege Christianity has in our culture, Presbyterians (and Christians in general) will have an advantage that Muslim Americans don’t get when a shooter is Muslim. Though some want to blame this act of Christian terrorism on Muslims.

However, there are racist and anti-Semitic influences that persist in Christianity and that played a role in this attack.

By looking at the suspect’s version of Christianity — a version of that religion that also gave us Paul Hill, who was convicted of murdering an abortion doctor in the 1990s — we may learn how to recognize and critique dangerous, violent and undemocratic threads within a religious tradition without demonizing entire groups of people.

The suspect in the Poway shooting belongs to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, one of several smaller, more conservative Presbyterian denominations.

In his version of Christianity, hate is biblical: “The law of God is the law of the absolute and totally personal Creator whose law operates in the context of His love and hate, His grace towards His people and His wrath towards His enemies.” (IBL 24)

Perhaps more to the point, the Poway suspect is not the first terrorist to come from this small corner of the Christian world.

In 2003, Hill was executed in Florida for murders he committed in “defense of the unborn.” He had been an ordained OPC minister and had made the same defense of hate in his manifesto. Hill had been dis-fellowshipped, but not for these views; his offense was his failure to submit to his church authorities.

shut your filthy jew hate hole.