How Trumpism Is Becoming America’s New “Lost Cause”

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
As Donald Trump’s more extremist followers cling to his bogus claims of a stolen election, wrapping Trump’s complaints into a nationalist counternarrative driven by racial anxiety and anger at the government, they risk creating a legacy that will divide the country long after the man himself leaves the stage. “In search of a story—in search of a history, in search of a leader, in search of anything they can attach to—lost causes tend to become these great mythologies whose great conspiracy theories tend to explain everything”.
Rebelling against the failure and abuse from the American Elites may or may not be a lost cause, but it is the right thing to do.

Abuse and failure must always be resisted.
I wish that Trumpism was finally reduced to a lost cause.
The diseased and bloated orangutan himself is in golf resort exile, but 74,000,000 trumpanzees still slither at our feet.
trump plays to fear, the fears of the white christian dying demographic and ascendency of others

This is true, unfortunately. I think a lot of Trump supporters don't like the idea of whites and Christians becoming a minority. The rhetoric in the darker corners of the right-wing worry me, but I have hope Trump was the last hurrah of the extreme right.