We have already lost our country to the elements of Socialist takeover artists on the left, in the Media and the Democratic Party. We pretend that the Constitution still means something. But given the size of the Federal bureaucracy today and Executive Departments formed to control us, it is long gone.
The Constitution is very clear. It defines the power of the Federal Government as limited to administrating of our laws and defending our borders. ALL other power is invested in the States and people of this Republic of States.
But all this was lost during the Socialist regime of Theodore Roosevelt. The ONLY President to be elected to four terms.
Federal Departments before Roosevelts Socialist takeover:
WAR, Post Office, Navy, Army and AirForce. FIVE departments.
Today we have FIFTEEN. This is how the left has slowly eroded our liberties and States rights as defined by the Constitution.
These are the departments we should disband:
The Interior. The Interior is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Agriculture. Agriculture is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Commerce. Commerce is another department that is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Labor. Labor is another department that is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States and free markets as they see fit.
Health and Human Services. This is the dumbest of the Executive Departments. Health is an individual decision and States are more than capable of managing without Federal intervention.
Housing and Urban Development. See above. The same applies.
Energy. See above. The same applies.
Education. Why should the Federal Government force itself on the States for education? Another useless bureaucracy costing us billions and making STUPID centralized decisions.
Eliminating these will bring us closer to the intent within the Constitution that States regulate themselves without Federal interference.
Lastly, the IRS and the Tax Code. This is a massive 10,000 page legislative nightmare full of favoritism, conflicting language and an attempt to control the citizens of this once great nation. It is an abomination. It is VOLUNTARY using the MASS of the power of the State to destroy you in order to force compliance.
It is also the source of much of the stupid legislating we see from the morons in the Nations legislature.
Abolishing the tax code would be the single greatest way to restore constitutional liberty. Supplanted by a FAIR consumption tax, it would require a far smaller bureaucracy to manage and actually bring in MORE revenue, be FAIRER and also bring in revenue from underground actors who currently pay nothing.
If Americans truly want to get back to the Constitutional basis of what made our nation great in the first place, we must undo the Mass Socialism that the Democratic Party has been engaging in for decades.
Trump's Presidency was evidence that Americans can get there. Perhaps the Fascist policies of the Biden Presidency will wake them up.
The Constitution is very clear. It defines the power of the Federal Government as limited to administrating of our laws and defending our borders. ALL other power is invested in the States and people of this Republic of States.
But all this was lost during the Socialist regime of Theodore Roosevelt. The ONLY President to be elected to four terms.
Federal Departments before Roosevelts Socialist takeover:
WAR, Post Office, Navy, Army and AirForce. FIVE departments.
Today we have FIFTEEN. This is how the left has slowly eroded our liberties and States rights as defined by the Constitution.
These are the departments we should disband:
The Interior. The Interior is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Agriculture. Agriculture is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Commerce. Commerce is another department that is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States as they see fit.
Labor. Labor is another department that is none of the Federal Governments business and should be managed by individual States and free markets as they see fit.
Health and Human Services. This is the dumbest of the Executive Departments. Health is an individual decision and States are more than capable of managing without Federal intervention.
Housing and Urban Development. See above. The same applies.
Energy. See above. The same applies.
Education. Why should the Federal Government force itself on the States for education? Another useless bureaucracy costing us billions and making STUPID centralized decisions.
Eliminating these will bring us closer to the intent within the Constitution that States regulate themselves without Federal interference.
Lastly, the IRS and the Tax Code. This is a massive 10,000 page legislative nightmare full of favoritism, conflicting language and an attempt to control the citizens of this once great nation. It is an abomination. It is VOLUNTARY using the MASS of the power of the State to destroy you in order to force compliance.
It is also the source of much of the stupid legislating we see from the morons in the Nations legislature.
Abolishing the tax code would be the single greatest way to restore constitutional liberty. Supplanted by a FAIR consumption tax, it would require a far smaller bureaucracy to manage and actually bring in MORE revenue, be FAIRER and also bring in revenue from underground actors who currently pay nothing.
If Americans truly want to get back to the Constitutional basis of what made our nation great in the first place, we must undo the Mass Socialism that the Democratic Party has been engaging in for decades.
Trump's Presidency was evidence that Americans can get there. Perhaps the Fascist policies of the Biden Presidency will wake them up.