How will Lying Don be remembered?

He will be seen as a freakish anomaly running counter to all that is best in the American tradition. He will be a byword for mendacity, bigotry and ignorance. He will be acknowledged as possessing a singular cunning to divine and exploit the worst fears and prejudices of a large section of the people.

He will be recognized as a president who had no understanding of democratic governance and nothing but contempt for the rule of law. A president who constantly lied and sowed discord in the great nation he was elected to lead. A president who openly favored a hostile foreign power while undermining friends and allies.

He will be regarded with embarrassment by Republicans, who will do their best to forget that they ever supported him. He will be a cautionary tale and a warning: never again should Americans allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.

(Adapted from a Quora post.)
he will be seen as the results of IGNORING election tampering by the republican party for decades
You are being to kind to him...or the person who wrote the piece from which you adapted this post was.

Donald Trump is disgusting...and trying to put the contempt and scorn he has earned into words...effectively goes soft on him.

2020 cannot come soon enough.
Trump and Nixon will be battling for the lowest rated modern presidents. By the end, Trump will be below Nixon. Trump is a crook, has an administration full of crooks and he is a racist.
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