How would success be achieved?


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This will be a broad maybe even a philosophical discussion. Much of the current cultural climate is about correcting disparities and making things more equitable for blacks, women, gays, transsexuals etc etc etc. So if we were to imagine a time and place when and where everything was equitable, how would success, however you define it, be achieved? The world isn't static but everything would be equitable so what would success look? If there is a black gay female, a transgender woman and a handicapped Caucasian male applying for a job how would it be decided who gets the job?

PS: The most retarded have been thread banned and some other people that I just don't care for. There is some overlap between the two groups. Some others I don't need to thread ban because they are too weak minded to answer anyway.
The ultimate goal is not equality of outcome but rather equality of access to playing the game. The real problem lies in the inability of humans to ever be completely unbiased. People are extremely efficient machines for finding clues as to things they will be biased against. I know someone who has as part of their job the task of redacting a lot of bias-inducing concepts from resumes before they are reviewed by a hiring committee. It's a tough philosophical call as to what can be used by reviewers to impart bias into their selection.

We need to offset what has historically been the "norm" (white men) in favor of underrepresented groups. The goal is to ensure the best candidate is selected but a lot of work has to go into the selection of the CANDIDATES. The final selection doesn't have to be an under-represented minority but they need to have been in the running.

The real problem is that there's always going to be some who fear that they lost out to a candidate based solely on race or gender or status of the group, not individual value. But it is unlikely that is the case for most people. Most people lose out on jobs all the time and they NEVER KNOW WHY.

Being a white guy in American industry I have seen plenty of cases where I see a younger person advanced beyond me and I know the feeling that it feels unfair. But usually if I look at the person selected for the peach job, 99% of the time they are highly qualified and will do a great job in it. It's hard to set aside one's own self-worth to realize that maybe it is just that the person selected would be better at it.

The really tough ones are where perfectly equal candidates are present and one is a white guy and the other is a candidate whose diversity might bring something totally new to the mix.
"Highly qualified" based on what? The equitable world has been achieved. Everyone is "highly qualified".

So if the candidates are "perfectly equal" candidates do you think it would it be racist to pick the white guy? Woukd it be racist to lick the other person?
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This will be a broad maybe even a philosophical discussion. Much of the current cultural climate is about correcting disparities and making things more equitable for blacks, women, gays, transsexuals etc etc etc. So if we were to imagine a time and place when and where everything was equitable, how would success, however you define it, be achieved? The world isn't static but everything would be equitable so what would success look? If there is a black gay female, a transgender woman and a handicapped Caucasian male applying for a job how would it be decided who gets the job?

PS: The most retarded have been thread banned and some other people that I just don't care for. There is some overlap between the two groups. Some others I don't need to thread ban because they are too weak minded to answer anyway.

As with all things UTOPIAN one never arrives.
"Highly qualified" based on what? The equitable world has been achieved.

No it hasn't. We still find that one's chances at success in life strongly correlate with zip code of your birth. We still have less than 50% women in roles of authority in companies despite the fact that 50% of the earth's humans are women. We KNOW that equitable access is not yet real.

It is MUCH BETTER than it once was. HUGE LEAPS better, but not there yet.

Everyone is "highly qualified".

No it hasn't. We still find that one's chances at success in life strongly correlate with zip code of your birth. We still have less than 50% women in roles of authority in companies despite the fact that 50% of the earth's humans are women. We KNOW that equitable access is not yet real.

It is MUCH BETTER than it once was. HUGE LEAPS better, but not there yet.


I refer you back to the OP. I am saying it's been achieved in the OP.

I admit it's refreshing to hear someone say it's MUCH BETTER. THERE is the OP so if it's all equitable everyone is "highly qualified"
Transgender ideology does not follow the switch to genetics, this was too good for the neo-Marxists to pass up....its main purpose is to shred Western culture, its secondary purpose is to sell WOKE as pro-freedom. I expect transgender ideology to disappear once the WOKE have cemented in power.
This will be a broad maybe even a philosophical discussion. Much of the current cultural climate is about correcting disparities and making things more equitable for blacks, women, gays, transsexuals etc etc etc. So if we were to imagine a time and place when and where everything was equitable, how would success, however you define it, be achieved? The world isn't static but everything would be equitable so what would success look? If there is a black gay female, a transgender woman and a handicapped Caucasian male applying for a job how would it be decided who gets the job?

PS: The most retarded have been thread banned and some other people that I just don't care for. There is some overlap between the two groups. Some others I don't need to thread ban because they are too weak minded to answer anyway.

Why should the Caucasian male be the default in the first place ?

That's one way of looking at it.

I see success in that you have progeny that carry on your family line, that you did more good than bad, and that you can look back on your life and say 'I made a difference" even if it was only in some small way.

The game is neither zero sum, nor winner takes all.

If you spend your life immersed in the politics of envy, you will inevitably lose. Socialism is a losing game. You are admitting defeat in that you whine you need the wealth of others to survive.

That's one way of looking at it.

I see success in that you have progeny that carry on your family line, that you did more good than bad, and that you can look back on your life and say 'I made a difference" even if it was only in some small way.

The game is neither zero sum, nor winner takes all.

If you spend your life immersed in the politics of envy, you will inevitably lose. Socialism is a losing game. You are admitting defeat in that you whine you need the wealth of others to survive.

I recently heard a guy say that life is measured by how much love one builds into a live, the relationships, in number and quality.

I am not sure that he is wrong.