How would Yakuda's success be achived?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
He can't. His retarded post proves it.

This will be a broad maybe even a philosophical discussion. Much of the current cultural climate is about correcting disparities and making things more equitable for blacks, women, gays, transsexuals etc etc etc. So if we were to imagine a time and place when and where everything was equitable, how would success, however you define it, be achieved? The world isn't static but everything would be equitable so what would success look? If there is a black gay female, a transgender woman and a handicapped Caucasian male applying for a job how would it be decided who gets the job?

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you suggesting that you want things to be back to the way it was?

PS: The most retarded have been thread banned and some other people that I just don't care for. There is some overlap between the two groups. Some others I don't need to thread ban because they are too weak minded to answer anyway.

Of course it's because you're nervous because you're afraid you will be called on it.

Your silence doesn't work, Sonny boy.