How would you have voted in previous elections?


1788 - Washington - only guy on the ballot really, only other choice would be anti-federalists, who should've been executed for treason
1792 - Washington - disappointed by his failure to execute anti-federalists, but again, have no other choice
1796 - John Adams - Federalist - I hate Jefferson
1800 - John Adams - Federalist - Same problem
1804 - Pinckney - Federalist - Fucking Democratic-Republicans
1808 - Pinckney - Federalist - Fucking Democratic-Republicans
1812 - Clinton - Federalist - Still hate you
1816 - Rufus King - Federalist - I'm not going to give up.
1820 - Wouldn't vote
1824 - John Quincy Adams - Independent - Slightly dissapointed at his failure to execute Jackson, but he did put the proles in their place, and he did oppose slavery, to the chagrin of the ignorant proles.
1828 - Joun Quincy Adams - National Republican - America is doomed at this point.
1832 - William Wirt - Anti-Masonic - The name of his party amuses me.
1836 - William Henry Harrison - Whig - Don't know anything about him besides that I hate the Democrats.
1840 - William Henry Harrison - Whig - He dies pretty soon after this, BTW.
1844 - Henry Clay - Whig - I hate the Democrats. A lot.
1848 - Martin Van Buren - Free Soil - He's fine now since he's running for a different party.
1852 - Winfield Scott - Whig - He's opponent sucked balls.
1856 - John C. Frémont - Republican - We may have had a socialist revolution America if more true patriots like this guy had won.
1860 - Lincoln - Republican - Gave us more federal power, put the proles in their place by freeing the slaves.
1864 - Lincoln - Republican - Although I'm depressed by his failure to execute every southerner after he had the opportunity, which has lead to an infinite amount of suffering, there's not much choice.
1868 - Grant - Republican - He sucked, but he put the proles in their place.
1872 - Grant - Republican - Sucked again, but the opposition planned to free southerners from their rightful place of eternal servitude.
1876 - Cooper- Greenback Labor Party - Precursor to the socialists
1880 - James Baird Weaver - Greenback Labor - Moar.
1884 - Cleveland - Democratic - He gets a pass because he's not from the south. He put the proles in their place by repealing tariffs and such.
1888 - Cleveland - Democratic - Again
1892 - Simon Wing - Socialist Labor - Self-explanatory
1896 - Charles Horatio Matchett - Socialist Labor - Duh.
1900 - Eugene V. Debs - Social Democratic - Greatest president America never had.
1904 - Eugene V. Debs - Socialist - Same.
1908 - Eugene V. Debs - Socialist - Same.
1912 - Eguene V. Debs - Socialist - Fucking proles put us in WWI.
1916 - Eugene V. Debs - Socialist - Again, would've kept us out of WWI.
1920 - Eugene V. Debs - Socialist - Sixth times a charm.
1924 - Robert Lafolette - Progressive - Pretty much the Socialist candidate of the time.
1928 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - Wouldn't have had the great depression.
1932 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - FDR was a pussy, a fake left-winger, the death of liberalism in America.
1936 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - Same.
1940 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - Same.
1944 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - Same.
1948 - Norman Thomas - Socialist - Wallace was a commie.
1952 - Adlai Stevenson - Democratic - Socialist party was dead at this time, Eisenhower went on to have one of the most authoritarian administrations in American history, and the Republican party would soon become the new Democrat-Republican party of the Proles. No choice here.
1956 - Adlai Stevenson - Democratic - Same issue.
1960 - Wouldn't vote.
1964 - Johnson - Democratic - Just to keep that monster Goldwater out of office.
1968 - Eugene McCarthy - Independent - Seriously, fuck everyone who ran this year.
1972 - George McGovern - Democratic - Second greatest president we never had.
1976 - Jimmy Carter - Democratic - Fuck the new Democratic-Republican party.
1980 - Jimmy Carter - Democratic - Easy, Reagan was the worst president in American history.
1984 - Mondale - Democratic - FUCK REAGAN.
1988 - Dukakis - Democratic - Third greatest president we never had.
1992 - America is doomed.
1996 - Doom.
2000 - Doom.
2004 - Doom.
2008 - Doom.

It's like you enter a different universe once you cross the Massachusetts state lines.
Clinton should be executed for treason. His election marked the death of the left in the United States. From 1992 on, it's like the Republicans and Democrats had a secret deal to run the same guy and just give him different make up.
BTW, I love how WM's voting pattern would be exactly the same as mine until 1876, with the exception of 1820 and 1832. Actually, Monroe was a great president, and really represented the National Republican wing of the DR Party.

Then, in 1876, WM starts voting for Bourbans, Progressives, and Socialists...
BTW, Taft would have kept us out of WWI, Watermark, so you needn't have gone off the deep end in that timeframe. Unfortunately TR was a fucking douchebag who represented negative humanity. Love the praise you heap on Dukakis and McGovern, also.
Clinton should be executed for treason. His election marked the death of the left in the United States. From 1992 on, it's like the Republicans and Democrats had a secret deal to run the same guy and just give him different make up.

straight from wm's mouth - obama is the same as mccain
I have only one regret on a presidential election. I voted for Perot in 96 and I wish I had voted for Clinton.
My wife wishes she had voted for Bush that first one. She voted for Perot twice though. Persistence sometimes doesn't produce good results.
BTW, I love how WM's voting pattern would be exactly the same as mine until 1876, with the exception of 1820 and 1832. Actually, Monroe was a great president, and really represented the National Republican wing of the DR Party.

Then, in 1876, WM starts voting for Bourbans, Progressives, and Socialists...

Pretty much threedee in the 19th and Lenin in the 20th.
BTW, the Anti-Masonic party actually wasn't necessarily Anti-Masonic. Which is one reason I find them a rather funny historical political party.
No, I LOLed when I first discovered the Anti-Masonic Party. How can you not?

Mott just admitted to falling within the parameters of a stupidity test. Anyone who ever voted for Perot. BTW, true story, the FBI really was going to stalk his daughter and ruin her wedding. Therefore, he's not insane, and the faithful 19% weren't insane either.
Pretty much threedee in the 19th and Lenin in the 20th.

Why the change? I feel like Woody getting replaced by Buzz Lightyear, and not just because he's an idiot, but because his space gadgetry means he can massacre thousands of innocents while my six shooter is a bit limited...
My wife wishes she had voted for Bush that first one. She voted for Perot twice though. Persistence sometimes doesn't produce good results.

I don't regret voting for Perot the first time around. On policy I agree with much he had to say. Particularly about trade and foriegn affairs. The second time around was just plain foolish. He could contribute nothing towards the electoral politics and it helped enabled Republicans in their attempts to undermine Clinton.
I'd vote for Ron Paul every elections save Washingtons, Jeffersons, and Teddys. Or Yog-Sothoth.
No, I LOLed when I first discovered the Anti-Masonic Party. How can you not?

Mott just admitted to falling within the parameters of a stupidity test. Anyone who ever voted for Perot. BTW, true story, the FBI really was going to stalk his daughter and ruin her wedding. Therefore, he's not insane, and the faithful 19% weren't insane either.
No, the GOP was going to release frogs at her wedding.