How would you like to be the kid.....


1960s Chick Magnet
...whose homework actually WAS eaten by the dog?

You KNOW that it actually had to have happened at some point.

Would that make one a schlemiel or a schlimazel?

Che vergogna!
I've turned in at least two papers that were chomped by Mr. Owl's Quaker parrot, because I stupidly left them on the table where he could get at them. Fortunately classes since then have all had assignments done electronically so no more chomping. I do have to keep him off the keyboard though.

What brought this amusing musing on, anyways?
I've turned in at least two papers that were chomped by Mr. Owl's Quaker parrot, because I stupidly left them on the table where he could get at them. Fortunately classes since then have all had assignments done electronically so no more chomping. I do have to keep him off the keyboard though.

What brought this amusing musing on, anyways?

Given the intelligence level and seriousness of the other discussions presently going on,
I just felt obligated to raise the bar a little bit.