How's about the concept in defense of Democracy deploying drones on repukes and tRump


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Considering tRump conspired with treasonous and seditious repukes, his criminal family and other trash of his former one term un American mob of rot to proceed to incite insurrection against the U.S. Capitol, conspired to covid murder over 500,000 Americans, engage in scurrilous gutter rot conspiracies against the 2020 lawful electoral process etc., how's about following up on tRump, his un American criminal family and co conspiring seditious repuke and un American mob of rot with a type over oversight they deserve to have hovering over all of them! This for national and global security reasons.

That takes care of that...
Considering tRump conspired with treasonous and seditious repukes, his criminal family and other trash of his former one term un American mob of rot to proceed to incite insurrection against the U.S. Capitol, conspired to covid murder over 500,000 Americans, engage in scurrilous gutter rot conspiracies against the 2020 lawful electoral process etc., how's about following up on tRump, his un American criminal family and co conspiring seditious repuke and un American mob of rot with a type over oversight they deserve to have hovering over all of them! This for national and global security reasons.

ummmmmm. no.