HPV vaccination debate.


Villified User
Has anyone else been following this debate about the mandatory use of HPV vaccines on schoolgirls ?

I find it very interesting.
The whole idea that this would make girls think unprotected sex is safe seems a false premise. There are too many other diseases that one can catch, let's just start with AIDS...
I think the vaccination is a very good idea, however I do not believe the government has the Right to make it mandatory.

This should be up to the individual and their parents.

There is no constitutional basis for allowing this....
But there is precedent, how many other vaccines are mandatory ?
And at least in KY the debate of mandatory is a not issue as parents can opt out on religious reasons, or other reasons.
All KY is wanting to do is add it to the list of already mandatory vaccinations with the same option to opt out as exists on them today.
Well, I am not sure about Kentucky...

This vacination will not protect a school from having to close down, like a measle outbreak, passed from one person to another because of casual pressence or contact. 11 year olds are highly unlikely to catch an hpv at their age and a sneeze or a cough is not going to pass it on to another person. I think they should educate their parents about this vacination and leave it up to the parents to discuss this with their child....it gives the parent a perfect opportunity to get involved in their child's life, and to have the difficult discussions regarding aids and condoms and abstinence and other std's, and relationships and self worth, self confidence, and peer pressures...etc!!!

Even If I was foolish enough and thought my girls would be "virgins" until they are married and would not need this vacination....I would STILL want them to get this vacination because they do not know or would not know if their future husband did not carry this silent virus.

It can be explained to the religious right, in that manner.

I think that the vacination should be available for all pubecents or teens to get when they go in for their shots, but not mandatory... why give the government that kind of control over a family medical matter?

So, where is the precedense uscit, on that...?
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So, where is the precedense uscit, on that...?
On other mandatory vaccines. I am unsure of what age a girl should take them, but most likely younger than most parents think ;)
My only real concern for this vaccine is the lack of meaningful data on long term effects.....

I am just enjoying watching the righties try and avoid saying it is all about sex :D

I think the vaccine is wonderful if no real negative long term effects show up.
I agree with Care. I don't think it should be mandatory, but it should be available. I don't think the gov't should force people to take anything they or their guardians don't want to take.
Well for KY you have an opt out option, but the religious opponents want an opt in approach which would hit the poorest the hardest. Many of those children are just lucky to show up at school let alone get anything signed by a parent for a shot. and the poorest will be the least educated on this issue as well.
They made the Polio vaccinations mandatory, and smallpox. Imagine what the world might be like had we not wiped out known active cases of smallpox... I also can't imagine having the threat of Polio hanging over my children's head simply because of choice.

The reality is people who don't get all bent over vaccinations regularly are upset because the cause of the spread of this one is sex. Regardless, if we can wipe out this form of cancer with a vaccination we should do it.
That's a fair point Damo, and I'm not saying any parent should let their kid go without any of these vaccinations, but taking free will out of the equation isn't the answer. If your kids are vaccinated then they are likely to be protected from said diseases, but if for some reason you don't want your child to have a vaccination or a person doesn't want to take it they shouldn't be forced to. I think I like KY's solution of 'opting out'. Most people would get it and if you feel strongly opposed to it, you have to do something in order to opt out.
That's a fair point Damo, and I'm not saying any parent should let their kid go without any of these vaccinations, but taking free will out of the equation isn't the answer. If your kids are vaccinated then they are likely to be protected from said diseases, but if for some reason you don't want your child to have a vaccination or a person doesn't want to take it they shouldn't be forced to. I think I like KY's solution of 'opting out'. Most people would get it and if you feel strongly opposed to it, you have to do something in order to opt out.
Well, as the law is written there is an opt-out option. There are many children that nowadays don't get any vaccinations, usually for religious reasons. However because others never opt out those children too are largely still protected.
Well, as the law is written there is an opt-out option. There are many children that nowadays don't get any vaccinations, usually for religious reasons. However because others never opt out those children too are largely still protected.

Whether or not its religious or if they have founded fears in the safety of the vaccinations themselves, I don't think the gov't should push it on them. But like you said, the kids are somewhat protected because the majority of people have been vaccinated against those diseases.
This came from Rota, the conspiracy theorist on the other site! :)

I have to admit.....I definately can see this being the case.... a tax payer rip off.....

Put that money in to Breast cancer research and we could save millions of women compared to this cervical cancer and if money is limited then we really should think about this...you know?

Anyway, here is SOME of his post...

BL Fisher Note:
In what is perhaps the most brilliant public relations and marketing strategy ever employed by a pharmaceutical company promoting the universal use of a vaccine most Americans do not need to prevent cervical cancer, Merck & Co. is in the process of pulling off one of the biggest money making schemes in the history of medicine. The Big Pharma giant that brought us death by Vioxx has convinced the FDA, CDC, public school officials and gynecology professors as well as the entire European Union that every man and woman in the world must purchase and be injected with the HPV vaccine in order to survive.

Never mind that the majority of all sexually active humans are asymtomatically infected with HPV and go on to successfully produce antibodies and clear it from their bodies without any residual negative health effects whatsoever. Never mind that only 12,000 American women get HPV related cervical cancer every year because routine pap smears have reduced cervical cancer cases by more than 70 percent in the past half century by detecting persistent HPV infection in the small percentage of women who do not naturally clear HPV infection. Never mind that Merck only tested its HPV vaccine on a few hundred nine year old girls but is now lobbying for all little girls AND boys to be required to get three shots of HPV vaccine - at a cost of $120 per shot - in order to attend school.

If Merck can pull the wool over enough eyes of the dumb sheep we have become, then Merck will rake in more than $3 billion a year worldwide in Gardasil sales alone. That would pay off a good number of the more than 11,000 Vioxx victims and their families now suing Merck in court.

HPV Vaccine: it's unnecessary, it's expensive, it's never been tested for the ability to cause immune system disorders over time, particularly in genetically vulnerable individuals. And yet, almost no one is standing up to ask the question: why are the wheels being greased to make HPV vaccine mandatory for every man, woman and child in the world?
One thing that article does not bring up is what part of our society that 12,000 women wo die from cervical cancer are from..Care to guess ?

My only concerns are the unknown long term effects of the vaccine, which agrees with part of the article.
Actually i have to admit when I first read this article, my initial thought was that we are giving big pharma gift horse. But like I said it should definitely be available, but not mandatory.
if they would just give everyone in the world a free life time supply of rubbers, you could cut down on all STDs, not only HPV......
they could just drop em from airplanes like the leaflets! then there would be no excuse cuz you would always have one available!!!