HSV is a garbage color space


Ever tried using any of those color picker apps and found out that what it's puked up is unceremonious garbage once you finished applying all of it to your web page? This is because HSV is a garbage color space. The other side of the HSV circle is not the complement, it's just a piece of space nearby that they happened to shove a part of the RGB spectrum. The RGB spectrum, btw, is unusable garbage, which is why people turn to HSV, because it's components actually seem to have some small bit of meaning from an artistic spectrum, and you can actually sort of use it to accomplish something. But they're honestly shit, because RGB is a shit spectrum that doesn't represent human vision at all, and at the end of the day HSV is just RGB shoved into a circle.


Literally a bunch of vomit.

Don't even get me started on the traditional RBY color wheel. Whoever came up with this was literally retarded. Mix yellow and blue to get green? Have you ever even tried that jackass? No it does not suddenly work simply because you drew in green in between the two. Or because you actually used cyan and called it "blue".



Instead use the LAB spectrum, which is based on actual human vision and the opponent color theory that our vision is actually based on. People don't seem to like it because they don't understand having two sliders to define color, but it's pretty simple to get the complement in it. Just invert A and B. This will give you a color combination that doesn't actually look like diarrhea. That or you can use LCH, which shoves the LAB spectrum into an HSV type arrangement with a single saturation slider. Although it's not as accurate.


This is the truth.

Use this tool for LAB and convenient conversions to other color spaces (like hexadecimal CSS format):


Or this one for LCH:

I am shit with color. I couldn't tell you how many conversations I have had about what color the shutters on my house were once the paint dried. It definitely didn't match the swatch but it wasn't like I was going to spend another day on a ladder repainting them. The long and short of it is that it reads as three different colors depending on what time of day you look at them.