Maybe my html 5 skills will pay off after all.
I just made my own functions for isPointInPoly and isPointInSplinePoly functionality to canvas on internet explorer, which isn't supposed to support even drawing straight lines.
I made a function that tests if a point is inside the spline represented by a set of points which are given along with the point.
Using this, I made a bezier curve function which can get the array of points from the formula.
I'm ahead of the curve on this.
I'd link you guys, but you don't care anyway. I just wanted to remember this day by leaving a post.
If anyone does want to see the script, I'll link it.
here's what it looks like in all the major browsers. Sorry about the scale
Maybe my html 5 skills will pay off after all.
I just made my own functions for isPointInPoly and isPointInSplinePoly functionality to canvas on internet explorer, which isn't supposed to support even drawing straight lines.
I made a function that tests if a point is inside the spline represented by a set of points which are given along with the point.
Using this, I made a bezier curve function which can get the array of points from the formula.
I'm ahead of the curve on this.
I'd link you guys, but you don't care anyway. I just wanted to remember this day by leaving a post.
If anyone does want to see the script, I'll link it.
here's what it looks like in all the major browsers. Sorry about the scale