html 5 FTW!!



Maybe my html 5 skills will pay off after all.

I just made my own functions for isPointInPoly and isPointInSplinePoly functionality to canvas on internet explorer, which isn't supposed to support even drawing straight lines.

I made a function that tests if a point is inside the spline represented by a set of points which are given along with the point.

Using this, I made a bezier curve function which can get the array of points from the formula.

I'm ahead of the curve on this.
I'd link you guys, but you don't care anyway. I just wanted to remember this day by leaving a post.

If anyone does want to see the script, I'll link it.

here's what it looks like in all the major browsers. Sorry about the scale
if you really wanted to post it so you would remember it, you would write a little note to yourself, or perhaps email it to yourself. instead you desperately cling to the notion that someone gives a shit about you drawing lines in html 5. I have no problem with you being proud of yourself, and patting yourself on the back because you wrote your own simple functions. But lets not bullshit ourselves.

*pats tinfoil on the head for doodling with html 5