Hucakbee the Health Nazi...


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Not that Brownback's position sound much better. And another perpetual. Fuck off Lance.

Huckabee, Brownback tell of cancer scares

August 28, 2007

Cedar Rapids, Ia. — Two Republican presidential candidates joined Lance Armstrong's "War on Cancer" today but differed on how they would limit smoking and pay for national health care.

U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee both pledged to fight the nation's No. 1 killer with increased research funding and financial incentives to promote healthy lifestyles.
Huckabee committed to sign a nationwide smoking ban in public places, should such a measure win approval in Congress. Brownback said he would let anti-smoking efforts continue under the authority of states and local communities.
where does it say anything in the constitution about smoking or prohibit the feds from passing laws about it ?

He's going to say something about the constitution not enumerating your rights, and you should be able to do everything it doesn't say you cannot do expressly.
He's going to say something about the constitution not enumerating your rights, and you should be able to do everything it doesn't say you cannot do expressly.

No, that sounds more like a statist argument.

Of course it does not enumerate your rights. Do you argue otherwise? It enumerates the powers of the federal government.
He's going to say something about the constitution not enumerating your rights, and you should be able to do everything it doesn't say you cannot do expressly.
He's saying that Amendment 10 actually applies as it is written, so the states could limit this, but it is not a federal function. Yes. I agree.
Huckabee wants to make it a federal law?

I agree, thats bullshit. I mean, as much as I think it's a good idea, that's a state-by-state problem. I say we let Texans smoke themselves to death.
No, Amendment 10 prohibits them from restricting smoking in such a way. Man, sometimes you are thick.


10th Ammendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

10th Ammendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That's correct and since there is nothing about smoking in the Constitution or any of it's amendments, the power to regulate it lies with the states.