HUD secretary Ben Carson showing his stupidity


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“I’d also like for you to get back to me – if you don’t mind – to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?” California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter asked. Carson responded, "OREO?" “No, not an Oreo. An REO,” Porter shot back, explaining she was asking about real-estate owned properties.

“Are you familiar with OMWI and what it is?” Beatty asked. Carson replied: "With who?" Beatty: "OMWI?" Carson: "Amway?" "OMWI," she said. "Amway?" Carson asked, referring to the marketing company. "OMWI,” Beatty said. “Come on Mr. Secretary. Now, I asked you this when you were here last year.”

Ben Carson is the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. There's no excuse for him not recognizing the acronyms of REO and OMWI, commonly used in housing. And, the white congresswoman took delight in highlighting his inexcusable ignorance.

Beyond his ignorance, he responded like a moron, offering suggestions of Oreo and Amway for REO and OMWI. That's doubly stupid when you can tell the person questioning you is obviously trying to make you look ignorant.

Question: I’d also like for you to get back to me – if you don’t mind – to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?

Stupid Answer: Oreo?

Good Answer: You're mumbling. You're going to have to clarify your question.

Is there a such thing a black who isn't dumb? Ben Carson is a medical doctor, former presidential candidate, and current head of a cabinet-level department. And, he's dumb.
Ben Carson is the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. There's no excuse for him not recognizing the acronyms of REO and OMWI, commonly used in housing. And, the white congresswoman took delight in highlighting his inexcusable ignorance.

Beyond his ignorance, he responded like a moron, offering suggestions of Oreo and Amway for REO and OMWI. That's doubly stupid when you can tell the person questioning you is obviously trying to make you look ignorant.

Question: I’d also like for you to get back to me – if you don’t mind – to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?

Stupid Answer: Oreo?

Good Answer: You're mumbling. You're going to have to clarify your question.

Is there a such thing a black who isn't dumb? Ben Carson is a medical doctor, former presidential candidate, and current head of a cabinet-level department. And, he's dumb.
You don't know how to spell Bob. What does that make you?
There is no OMWI in HUD...

OMWI is another federal office of discrimination against white males, which works along with Carson's department of housing discrimination against white males. He should have known about it. And, just to make sure everyone knows Carson should have known about it, the congresswoman-D points out she asked Carson about it a year previous.
OMWI is another federal office of discrimination against white males, which works along with Carson's department of housing discrimination against white males. He should have known about it. And, just to make sure everyone knows Carson should have known about it, the congresswoman-D points out she asked Carson about it a year previous.

So she ax'd him about something inconsequential a year ago and now he's supposed to know the acronym lol?
Carson is Black, so DEMOCRATS feel right at home attacking him, I suppose.

OMWI is another federal office of discrimination against white males, which works along with Carson's department of housing discrimination against white males. He should have known about it. And, just to make sure everyone knows Carson should have known about it, the congresswoman-D points out she asked Carson about it a year previous.

Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI)
The OCC’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI), established January 2011, is responsible for implementing section 342 of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank).
The OMWI Executive Director and Diversity and Inclusion Team developed standards for
increasing the participation of minority- and women-owned businesses in the OCC’s programs and contracts, including standards for coordinating technical assistance to such businesses.
promoting equal employment opportunity and the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of the workforce and senior management of the OCC.
assessing the diversity policies and practices of the national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches and agencies of foreign banks the OCC regulates.

Care to show us where it says OMNWI works with HUD?
Ben Carson is the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. There's no excuse for him not recognizing the acronyms of REO and OMWI, commonly used in housing. And, the white congresswoman took delight in highlighting his inexcusable ignorance.

Beyond his ignorance, he responded like a moron, offering suggestions of Oreo and Amway for REO and OMWI. That's doubly stupid when you can tell the person questioning you is obviously trying to make you look ignorant.

Question: I’d also like for you to get back to me – if you don’t mind – to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?

Stupid Answer: Oreo?

Good Answer: You're mumbling. You're going to have to clarify your question.

Is there a such thing a black who isn't dumb? Ben Carson is a medical doctor, former presidential candidate, and current head of a cabinet-level department. And, he's dumb.

REO can mean different things to different people. To me REO stands for Radar Equipment Operator.