HuffPost - “Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump,”

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Lots of democrats are saying the same thing. Dems are scared to death of trump. He might do the same thing to them, they are doing to him.

On Tuesday, HuffPost satisfied its junkie-like craving for continually-escalating anti-Trump hatred by publishing a “dangerous” headline that prompted social media users to tag both the FBI and the Secret Service.

“Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump,” the reprehensible headline reads.

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a very mild ruling that acknowledged presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts. In a practical sense, the ruling did not specifically exonerate Trump. But it did impose requirements on lower courts that in all likelihood will delay the prosecution of his ongoing felony cases, including those pertaining to his righteous protest against the scandalous and “rigged” 2020 presidential election.

Lots of democrats are saying the same thing. Dems are scared to death of trump. He might do the same thing to them, they are doing to him.

I wonder if anyone has reported thegatewaypundit to the FBI for filing a false police report. They seem more at risk of violating the law since they have made a false report to the police about something that is clearly protected by the first amendment.