Huge jellyfish found in field

cancel2 2022

Jellyfish crop circle appears in field

Yesterday, 06:17 pm

A spectacular crop circle shaped like a jellyfish has appeared on farmland in Oxfordshire.

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The 250m (600ft) design, which turned up in a field near Ashbury last week, is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.
Crop circle expert Karen Alexander said: "We have seen butterfly and bird patterns in the past, but this is the first jellyfish crop circle in the world.
"It is absolutely huge - roughly three times the size of most crop patterns and extremely interesting. People have been aghast at the size of it. It is a complete monster.
"We are looking into the meaning of it, but at present it just seems to have appeared out of nowhere."
The owners of the land say whoever created the design caused about £600 of damage - but they called the shape "beautiful" and say they have reported the trespassers to the police.
I've seen video of the people who make those crop circles. They are definitely artists, too bad they ruin other's property in order to make their art. If this was on my property I'd work on setting up fly-overs and other attractions for people to look at and/or experience the circle. They could make their 600 quid back in minutes.
Jellyfish crop circle appears in field

Yesterday, 06:17 pm

A spectacular crop circle shaped like a jellyfish has appeared on farmland in Oxfordshire.

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Jellyfish shaped crop circle Play video

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The 250m (600ft) design, which turned up in a field near Ashbury last week, is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.
Crop circle expert Karen Alexander said: "We have seen butterfly and bird patterns in the past, but this is the first jellyfish crop circle in the world.
"It is absolutely huge - roughly three times the size of most crop patterns and extremely interesting. People have been aghast at the size of it. It is a complete monster.
"We are looking into the meaning of it, but at present it just seems to have appeared out of nowhere."
The owners of the land say whoever created the design caused about £600 of damage - but they called the shape "beautiful" and say they have reported the trespassers to the police.

Another farmer with GPS and to much time on his hands.
I've seen video of the people who make those crop circles. They are definitely artists, too bad they ruin other's property in order to make their art. If this was on my property I'd work on setting up fly-overs and other attractions for people to look at and/or experience the circle. They could make their 600 quid back in minutes.

It's ussually the property owners who do this. I have a farmer friend who did this. He bought a program where he creates a design and then plugs it into the GPS in his uni-harvester and off he goes. It cost him a few hunderd dollars in crops and fuel but he had a lot of fun doing it.
It's ussually the property owners who do this. I have a farmer friend who did this. He bought a program where he creates a design and then plugs it into the GPS in his uni-harvester and off he goes. It cost him a few hunderd dollars in crops and fuel but he had a lot of fun doing it.
In the UK it usually isn't the farmer. It's guys with a long stick of wood and some rope. Seriously, I've watched them do it. Then the "scientists" come in and study the stalks and "proclaim" it a "genuine" circle. Not kidding. Whole groups of idiots walk through their fields to get a peak, wrecking even more of the crop.

If I were the farmer, I'd charge admission and mow a path for them.
In the UK it usually isn't the farmer. It's guys with a long stick of wood and some rope. Seriously, I've watched them do it. Then the "scientists" come in and study the stalks and "proclaim" it a "genuine" circle. Not kidding. Whole groups of idiots walk through their fields to get a peak, wrecking even more of the crop.

If I were the farmer, I'd charge admission and mow a path for them.

They weren't actually scientists.

It's good that we've come a long way from the time when crop circles were considered geniune proof of the existence of UFO's.

Now let's execute the people who believed that rot.
They weren't actually scientists.

It's good that we've come a long way from the time when crop circles were considered geniune proof of the existence of UFO's.

Now let's execute the people who believed that rot.
Duh. That's what the quote marks were for.
In the UK it usually isn't the farmer. It's guys with a long stick of wood and some rope. Seriously, I've watched them do it. Then the "scientists" come in and study the stalks and "proclaim" it a "genuine" circle. Not kidding. Whole groups of idiots walk through their fields to get a peak, wrecking even more of the crop.

If I were the farmer, I'd charge admission and mow a path for them.
We have a farmer here who does exactly that. In the fall he cuts a maze in his corn (get the irony?) and charges people to navigate it. It's a blast too as his maze's are very complex and he changes them each year. Once in, if you lose your sense of direction it can take an hour or more to get out.
We have a farmer here who does exactly that. In the fall he cuts a maze in his corn (get the irony?) and charges people to navigate it. It's a blast too as his maze's are very complex and he changes them each year. Once in, if you lose your sense of direction it can take an hour or more to get out.

That is really cool! I'd love to do that. Too bad it's so far away.