Human life expectancy keeps increasing—but how far can it go?


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Humans are living longer around the world. While there have been obvious ups and downs, life expectancy at birth overall has been steadily increasing for many years. It has more than doubled in the last two centuries.

This increase was previously driven by reductions in infant mortality. But since around the 1950s, the main driver has been reductions in mortality at older ages. In Sweden, for example, where national population data have been collected since the mid-16th century and are of a very high quality, the maximum lifespan has been increasing for almost 150 years. Increasing lifespans have been observed in many other countries, including in Western Europe, North America, and Japan.—but-how-far-can-it-go/ar-AAChd0f?li=BBnbcA1



I find it funny when people attempt to declare that human life expectancy is "increasing"...….when there was a time when a human life spanned centuries instead of decades. A human life begins the process of dying at birth. There is no escaping that physical reality, its not the time you have on earth its the quality of how you live that life. A human life is a product of all the free will decisions made along that path called a lifetime. You can add or shorten your days on earth to a minuet span, but in the end, death comes as a natural circumstance of being exposed to all the elements that are toxic to human life. Things beyond the realm of any human control. In the end we are all living through the grace of the power that created us, be it God or Nature....we live via the grace of that power allowing us to live, even if its just for an instant in a temporal setting.

Only the fool fails to consider science proves, once created energy can never be destroyed, only transformed. Human life is a form of energy, an eternal spark that man is yet to define or reproduce.
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I find it funny when people attempt to declare that human life expectancy is "increasing"...….when there was a time when a human life spanned centuries instead of decades. A human life begins the process of dying at birth. There is no escaping that physical reality, its not the time you have on earth its the quality of how you live that life. A human life is a product of all the free will decisions made along that path called a lifetime. You can add or shorten your days on earth to a minuet span, but in the end, death comes as a natural circumstance of being exposed to all the elements that are toxic to human life. Things beyond the realm of any human control. In the end we are all living through the grace of the power that created us, be it God or Nature....we live via the grace of that power allowing us to live, even if its just for an instant in a temporal setting.

Only the fool fails to consider science proves, once created energy can never be destroyed, only transformed. Human life is a form of energy, an eternal spark that man is yet to define or reproduce.
Hey Ralphie buddy. Considering that you’re one of the most scientifically illiterate members of JPP here’s a little tidbit you may appreciate. The increase in human life expectancy can’t be explained by evolutionary theory.

By the way the law of conservation applies to both mass and energy, which if you had taken even high school science class you would have known.