APP - Humans & Neanderthals

Sorry if this was posted already. I found it very fascinating.

Did they really “do it?”

We’re not talking about actress Kristen Stewart and her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director; We’re talking about Neanderthals and modern humans.
Without meaning to get all People magazine on you, the question about whether modern humans and Neanderthals hooked up has again become a subject of scientific debate.

The short answer is yes, they had sex. At least, based on the science it certainly appears there was indeed “interbreeding” between modern humans and Neanderthals.
But a counter argument published in PNAS, asserts that the shared DNA found in both modern humans and our Neanderthal cousins may have come from common African ancestors. Since the paper’s publication there has been a lot of coverage in the popular press, as well as science-centered publications.

Several researchers have said the model supporting the theory that the shared DNA comes from a common African ancestor is wrong. Beyond that, the science done to support the theory of interbreeding actually took into account the idea that is the cornerstone of their theory and debunked it.
Or as Discovery magazine blogger Razib Khan observed, “One could say that the appropriate follow up paper to the PNAS contribution was actually published before it.”

23andMe scientist Eric Durand, a computational biologists who helped work on the first draft of the Neanderthal genome and on analysis of the Denisova genome— another of our early human cousins — said much the same thing.

Full story
Perhaps the early modern humans who left Africa 60,000 years ago were already genetically more similar to the Neanderthals—who had left hundreds of thousands of years before—than were the modern human populations that stayed behind in Africa. In that case, no interbreeding would have needed to occur to account for the trace of Neanderthal DNA in non-Africans today.

To test the two hypotheses, Pääbo's group (Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)analyzed the lengths of segments of Neanderthal DNA in modern Europeans to determine when Neanderthal genes may have mixed with those of modern humans. The date they came up with for the gene flow was 37,000 to 86,000 years ago, and most likely 47,000 to 65,000 years ago.

This date strongly suggests there was indeed interbreeding between "us and them," when H. sapiens was moving into the Middle East from Africa and would have encountered populations of Neanderthals already settled there.

"This [interbreeding] could have been a really powerful mechanism for humans to adapt as they moved into Eurasia," said Sriram Sankararaman, a statistical geneticist at Harvard Medical School and the lead author of the PLOS Genetics study.

Another group, publishing last year in Science, for example, determined that modern humans gained from Neanderthals a family of genes that helps the immune system fight off viruses. Breeding with the locals could have unwittingly given H. sapiens a survival advantage in a new land.

"[Neanderthals] are not just some extinct group of related hominids," Pääbo said. "They are partially ancestors to people who live today."

I'd like them to test Republicons for Neanderthal dna, betcha they have over the 4% the rest of us have.

Talked to a 'young earther' a couple of weeks ago. I asked him about all the new research and evidence about Neanderthals and how the time line stretches back hundreds of thousands of yrs. He said that he has faith in God and I have same faith in science as a religion and he is absolutely positive man walked with dinosaurs and neanderthal research is bunk. sigh...

I've always been fascinated by the fact that Neanderthals were in Europe and Asia hundreds of thousands of years before modern man and all they learned was how to scrape a minimal existence and put a sharp rock on the end of a stick. I know they were smarter than that and probably taught modern man about the afterlife and thus the beginnings of modern man's 'religion' since neanderthals buried their dead long before they did. It would be hilarious if man was taught religion by neanderthals. LOL
Perhaps the early modern humans who left Africa 60,000 years ago were already genetically more similar to the Neanderthals—who had left hundreds of thousands of years before—than were the modern human populations that stayed behind in Africa. In that case, no interbreeding would have needed to occur to account for the trace of Neanderthal DNA in non-Africans today.

To test the two hypotheses, Pääbo's group (Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)analyzed the lengths of segments of Neanderthal DNA in modern Europeans to determine when Neanderthal genes may have mixed with those of modern humans. The date they came up with for the gene flow was 37,000 to 86,000 years ago, and most likely 47,000 to 65,000 years ago.

This date strongly suggests there was indeed interbreeding between "us and them," when H. sapiens was moving into the Middle East from Africa and would have encountered populations of Neanderthals already settled there.

"This [interbreeding] could have been a really powerful mechanism for humans to adapt as they moved into Eurasia," said Sriram Sankararaman, a statistical geneticist at Harvard Medical School and the lead author of the PLOS Genetics study.

Another group, publishing last year in Science, for example, determined that modern humans gained from Neanderthals a family of genes that helps the immune system fight off viruses. Breeding with the locals could have unwittingly given H. sapiens a survival advantage in a new land.

"[Neanderthals] are not just some extinct group of related hominids," Pääbo said. "They are partially ancestors to people who live today."

I'd like them to test Republicons for Neanderthal dna, betcha they have over the 4% the rest of us have.

Talked to a 'young earther' a couple of weeks ago. I asked him about all the new research and evidence about Neanderthals and how the time line stretches back hundreds of thousands of yrs. He said that he has faith in God and I have same faith in science as a religion and he is absolutely positive man walked with dinosaurs and neanderthal research is bunk. sigh...

I've always been fascinated by the fact that Neanderthals were in Europe and Asia hundreds of thousands of years before modern man and all they learned was how to scrape a minimal existence and put a sharp rock on the end of a stick. I know they were smarter than that and probably taught modern man about the afterlife and thus the beginnings of modern man's 'religion' since neanderthals buried their dead long before they did. It would be hilarious if man was taught religion by neanderthals. LOL

LOL It really would be.

"I'd like them to test Republicons for Neanderthal dna, betcha they have over the 4% the rest of us have. "

I thought something very similar when I read it.
I watched a very good PBS show about Neanderthals this weekend. To me new scientific data is exciting. To others, not so much, as it sometimes conflicts with their reality.
If you need proof, simply watch an Ultimate Fighting match. The winners invariably have actual neanderthal features. For further proof, find a picture of USAFREEDON911.
Physically, Neanderthal was superior to Cro-Magnon...However, they weren't nearly as smart and adaptable. That was their demise.

There was an interesting History Channel documentary series..Mankind: the history of all of us...that talked about it...but my memory us like a steel sieve these days.

Anyway..interesting stuff about the interbreeding. Just goes to show that God knows what he's doing. I'm not a "young earth" Christian. I believe that there is no conflict between God and Science.
Sorry if this was posted already. I found it very fascinating.

Did they really “do it?”

We’re not talking about actress Kristen Stewart and her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director; We’re talking about Neanderthals and modern humans.
Without meaning to get all People magazine on you, the question about whether modern humans and Neanderthals hooked up has again become a subject of scientific debate.

The short answer is yes, they had sex. At least, based on the science it certainly appears there was indeed “interbreeding” between modern humans and Neanderthals.
But a counter argument published in PNAS, asserts that the shared DNA found in both modern humans and our Neanderthal cousins may have come from common African ancestors. Since the paper’s publication there has been a lot of coverage in the popular press, as well as science-centered publications.

Several researchers have said the model supporting the theory that the shared DNA comes from a common African ancestor is wrong. Beyond that, the science done to support the theory of interbreeding actually took into account the idea that is the cornerstone of their theory and debunked it.
Or as Discovery magazine blogger Razib Khan observed, “One could say that the appropriate follow up paper to the PNAS contribution was actually published before it.”

23andMe scientist Eric Durand, a computational biologists who helped work on the first draft of the Neanderthal genome and on analysis of the Denisova genome— another of our early human cousins — said much the same thing.

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it is interesting that you mention the organization 23andMe. my wife and i had our DNA checked by them and while mine was as pretty much as expected (European, Asian and native american) while my wife's had a surprise because along with the European and native american she had some Sub-Saharan African (4%)

as for the human / neanderthal interbreeding, my wife's money is on interbreeding since it is scientific opinion that neanderthals would come into season rather than being able to breed year round like humans. my wife used to be a sociologist and keeps up on various human interactions.
Sorry if this was posted already. I found it very fascinating.

Did they really “do it?”

We’re not talking about actress Kristen Stewart and her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director; We’re talking about Neanderthals and modern humans.
Without meaning to get all People magazine on you, the question about whether modern humans and Neanderthals hooked up has again become a subject of scientific debate.

The short answer is yes, they had sex. At least, based on the science it certainly appears there was indeed “interbreeding” between modern humans and Neanderthals.
But a counter argument published in PNAS, asserts that the shared DNA found in both modern humans and our Neanderthal cousins may have come from common African ancestors. Since the paper’s publication there has been a lot of coverage in the popular press, as well as science-centered publications.

Several researchers have said the model supporting the theory that the shared DNA comes from a common African ancestor is wrong. Beyond that, the science done to support the theory of interbreeding actually took into account the idea that is the cornerstone of their theory and debunked it.
Or as Discovery magazine blogger Razib Khan observed, “One could say that the appropriate follow up paper to the PNAS contribution was actually published before it.”

23andMe scientist Eric Durand, a computational biologists who helped work on the first draft of the Neanderthal genome and on analysis of the Denisova genome— another of our early human cousins — said much the same thing.

Full story
Well.......neanderthals mating with modern humans would explain a lot of southerners.