

Junior Member
This woman was a Supreme Court Justice? LOL

>>Every member of the Supreme Court received a wonderful package of home-baked cookies, and I don't know why, (but) the staff decided to analyze them," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram quoted O'Connor as saying at the legal conference November 10 in the Dallas area. "Each one contained enough poison to kill the entire membership of the court."

Sandy, a helpfull tip, don't eat cookies when you don't know who made them, and especially when they come with a note saying they contain poison!

>>The letters did not seem to pose much of a real danger since the threatening note told the recipients the food was poisoned. In court papers submitted with the plea agreement, prosecutors said each of the envelopes contained a one-page typewritten letter stating either "I am" or "We are" followed by "going to kill you. This is poisoned."

>>Barbara Joan March, a 60-year-old Connecticut woman, was sentenced last month to 15 years in prison

A bit excessive considering she told them the cookies were poisoned!
That will teach her to mess with the supreme kings.

60 year old gets 15 years for sending poisoned food and warning.

89 year old gets probation for killing 10 and injuring 70.
A bit excessive considering she told them the cookies were poisoned!
Really? So... If I told somebody that I was going to shoot them just before I pulled a gun and shot them I should be punished less? It seems that they would use that as the "premeditation" requirement to get me for First Degree rather than Second Degree murder....
I don't know Damo. YOU would still be pulling the trigger not them. Sort of like giving a loaded gun to someone and telling them it is loaded. Then they mess up and kill someone (themselves ?) with it. Is it your fault ? because you gave them the loaded gun ?
I don't know Damo. YOU would still be pulling the trigger not them. Sort of like giving a loaded gun to someone and telling them it is loaded. Then they mess up and kill someone (themselves ?) with it. Is it your fault ? because you gave them the loaded gun ?
Nah, this was a weapon, that it takes longer to go off when released doesn't make it any different. When they mailed it, it was like pulling the trigger...

Basically, it would be about the same as me telling you I am going to shoot you dead, then shooting at you...
ohh like you giving me some gasoline and telling me it is poison, if I drink it is is your fault, you bad man!
ohh like you giving me some gasoline and telling me it is poison, if I drink it is is your fault, you bad man!
Nah, it would be more like me making a cup of coffee, putting in arsenic, then "joking" about how I put poison in your coffee.
Damo would your logic have worked with Fruitcakes if poisioned ? No one is expected to eat those anyway ;)

Damn, am I the only person in North America who actually likes fruitcake?

If it came with a note like the one described, my initial inclination might be to take it as a joke, though. I probably wouldn't have eaten the cookies, just in case, but ...

What kind of lawyer did this woman have, anyway? Shouldn't she have gone for psychiatric evaluation? Speaking of fruitcakes --- shouldn't she be in a hospital somewhere instead of in prison?
Damn, am I the only person in North America who actually likes fruitcake?

If it came with a note like the one described, my initial inclination might be to take it as a joke, though. I probably wouldn't have eaten the cookies, just in case, but ...

What kind of lawyer did this woman have, anyway? Shouldn't she have gone for psychiatric evaluation? Speaking of fruitcakes --- shouldn't she be in a hospital somewhere instead of in prison?
Naah, I like Fruitcakes too, just another item that makes me a bit abbynormal. And darned glad of it :)
Damn, am I the only person in North America who actually likes fruitcake?

If it came with a note like the one described, my initial inclination might be to take it as a joke, though. I probably wouldn't have eaten the cookies, just in case, but ...

What kind of lawyer did this woman have, anyway? Shouldn't she have gone for psychiatric evaluation? Speaking of fruitcakes --- shouldn't she be in a hospital somewhere instead of in prison?
RobDawg likes fruitcakes, too.
>>Every member of the Supreme Court received a wonderful package of home-baked cookies, and I don't know why, (but) the staff decided to analyze them," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram quoted O'Connor as saying at the legal conference November 10 in the Dallas area. "Each one contained enough poison to kill the entire membership of the court."

This is a quote from Sandy. First she say they were wonderful cookies. Then she doesn't know why they were analyzed. Did she miss the note saying they were posion? LOL