Humor and trolling

2 hours and 11 minutes?

Get past the n00b section.

4chan definitely still has free speech. :eek:



doublenigger came from 8chan, though.
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What you don't realize it that it's not an insult aimed at black people.

It's aimed at beyond total pieces of shit.

Legion's all a-triggered. :awesome:

Legiondude. Do they even have black people where you live? What's the ratio there?

They're pretty common here, yannow?

And I never seen such sensitivity as Legion and white leftists have in real black people in the hood or regular neighborhood.

You fuckers gotta lighten up b4 you blow a gasket, you're wound too tight! :laugh:
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Try saying it to a black man in public. Have someone video the reaction, and ask them to open an account here and post it after your death.

You're a tard. I'll go up in the middle of the worst projects here and yell nigger nigger nigger. What up?! Nobody will fuck with me. It's not like that here.
It may be different in other towns, but here it's not.

Now, I wouldn't go up to a black man and call him a doublenigger. That's like for superscum.

White trash old scheming meth whores and their pimps and whatnot. That's what doubleniggers are.

Black man would have to be pretty bad to be called a doublenigger. It's the worst insult possible.

I get it, you're scared of blacks. And to a point your fear is valid. I'm not that scared.

When I come out the store counting change, and there's a 6'4" nigger talking 'bout "lemme hold a dolla", I tell that motherfucker he better get him a job and get out my space before he starts leakin'.

And I will make him leak. They realize it when you mean business. Let a grown ass man capable of workin' "hold a dolla" , Fuck you, buddy.

You better get you a J-O-B. What's up, motherfucker, I owe you summin'? Hmm? 'Sup? GRrr. I ain't the one.

I'm buying meat to go BBQ in the cut in the projects. You don't give a POS like that an opening.

For $20, I could sic 4 jits on him.

FYI, that "Lemme hold a dolla" shit..he's waiting for a chump to pull out a wad thinking they're going to peel off 1 dollar and he'll be happy....
That is NOT the case..he's waiting for someone to pull out a wad and he's gonna try to clock you and roll ya for all your money for trying to let him hold a dolla.

That's reality. So no, you don't give a fucker like that ary an opening. Don't give one like that your back and keep your eyes on him until out of range.
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Fuck you! I've done it, you jackass!

You're just a pussified piece of shit!

Some came close, but not close enough to be in range for clocking.

Okay, you're not a POS if you're not as brave as me.

Don't be judging me, though. You do not have that right.

Would you walk through the projects at 2AM here?

Here is better than Whorelando. ;)

IDGAF, first motherfucker that steps up gets put down, and don't get yourself surrounded if by yourself.

Legion, where the fuck do you live? Someplace in the NE, I am guessing. Clarify this for me, pls.

Whatcha really know 'bout the Dirty South?

Well..Google is not your friend and will not yield much about it, but it is a thing, and that's where I'm from.

I know there was a Luke/2live crew song about it.

Finding that on white-ass Google is not easy. They don't know nuthin' 'bout dis round heanh.

I'll tell you right now, I can talk to a local black dude right in front of a yankee or anybody not from 'round heanh, and they won't understand ary a bit of what we say.

I know the local language, you don't.

I'm from the old school, and we all talk the same.
It's not proper English, but it's a valid form of communication.
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Here ya go, Legion. Listen deep:

Whatcha really know 'bout the Dirty South? This ain't the right song, YouTube sucks. I know where I can get it. A motherfucking international DJ I know would have it.

I'm talking pfft. You can't find some stuff on the internet.

Would you walk with me through College hill? Or would I have to walk alone? That's OK baby, I ain't scared to walk alone.
Here ya go, Legion. Whatcha really know 'bout the Dirty South? I'm talking pfft. You can't find some stuff on the internet. Would you walk with me through College hill? Or would I have to walk alone?

Pfft. Get someone to post a video of you doing what you claimed you can do. Posthumously.

I'll go up in the middle of the worst projects here and yell nigger nigger nigger.

Naturally, I'll understand if you can't.

BTW, if you post the video, I'll know it was staged bullshit because you wouldn't be alive if you did what you claimed you've done.
Try saying it to a black man in public. Have someone video the reaction, and ask them to open an account here and post it after your death.

So if a black man calls me "cracker" in public, I have a right to beat him to death? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?


Hoo Wee! Even my black friends call me cracker all the time because..I AM a cracker! :tongout:

If some stupid black calls me cracker someplace as an insult and doesn't know me..and it has happened, IDGAF! :awesome:

Usually those that do are not from this state.
Probably are retarded racist morons as well.
Now if some ol' black from the hood calls me cracker..well..he's just calling it like it is. :dunno:

I am not offended. If I call him nigga, he ain't offended either. We actually might take it as a term of endearment. ;)

I get that Legion doesn't understand these things, but maybe I might learn him.

It's a fine line between real people and SJWS, or is it?

To further try to get my point across:

I have never been called cracker by anyone from my neighborhood for 20+ years in an insulting way.

Now blacks from another neighborhood have. It didn't work out too good for them.

One PR dude did, and I hit him hard in the face with a big textbook. He pissed me off.
Then he flailed at me impotently. He fucked up.
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So if a black man calls me "cracker" in public, I have a right to beat him to death? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Hoo Wee! Even my black friends call me cracker all the time because..I AM a cracker!

Just as I suspected.

You're full of shit.
Just as I suspected.

You're full of shit.


Prove me wrong. Come to my hood, bitch. I'll show you a thing or 2.

A) All my friends do call me "cracker". I AM a cracker. 7th generation cracker. Maybe not all, the "Other " friends of mine don't care.

B) WTF does your pussy ass think I'm going to nut up to? Nigger intimidation? You got life fucked up there.
Look here, you pussy.

I stopped 4 big niggers from bullying a young, nice black boy when I was 15. Oh yes, I stopped them that day.

That Halloween they jumped me. They beat me pretty bad. The originals and a couple more.
However, I have beaten the shit out of all of them except for 1 since then.
Homie ain't playin' that.
The 1 I can't get is in prison and has a huge penis and balls tattooed across his back.

I am not looking to break in there and get to him. I got the others, and how. They do not wanna mess with me ever again, bet.

I bet they shiver if they hear my name. One of them is now like 6'5" and 330 lbs, and I almost killed that motherfucker.

I actually dragged him down a 4' embankment after beating him, and was going to drown him.
I stuck his head in the water and realized I didn't want to murder him. Then I dragged him back up the embankment and laid him out to rest.
Nobody died that day, I did kick the shit out of him though.

He went to throw a punch at me and I punted him in his face so hard it took him off his feet. Then I beat him some more.

They all paid the price. And for what? Because I defended a young innocent black kid. One of 'em my friend beat the shit out of.
So they they wanted to jump the cracker. Well, that didn't work out too good for them.
3 are lucky to still be alive and they won't wanna fuck with me ever again, and if they fuck with that boy? They're going to have a bad time. I'll hear about it and get them.

They better not ever fuck with that boy or me again, I know where he is, if I hear anything bad happened to him and they're involved? It's over for them this time.

IDGAF. I got 2 of them myself and my friends got 2, and 1 is in prison.
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Prove me wrong. Come to my hood, bitch. I'll show you a thing or 2.

That's not how it works, bullshit boy.

Even leftists know better.

The proof falls on the person saying that something was done to prove that it was. So let's see the proof....
I know trolls don't like hearing this, but if you make the claim, it's up to you to prove it.
You made the claim, cunt. Cue Jeopardy theme...........
You made the claim, it’s yours to defend. Another who doesn’t backup their statements, thanks.

No proof, no truth.