Hurricane City...


Well-known member
I guess Ill stay home and prepare for my 4th Hurricane in 3 years tomorrow.
Yepper Damo, I lived in Tampa for 7 years. Moved back to KY 5 yrs ago. MY only regret is that the female scenery is not as good here in KY. I have yet to see a bikini clad shopper in the grocery store here :(
I went to boot camp in Orlando at the hottest point of the summer through the beginning of Hurricane season. We were hit with it all...

I wouldn't live there just for the girls. Hotties abound in CO where the most fit State population resides....
I wouldn't live there just for the girls. Hotties abound in CO where the most fit State population resides....
Agreed noticice I said it was the only thing i missed about FL.
It is a good thing that many of the women here do not wear bikini's at the grocery. Nauseous people do not tend to buy much food.
Frances, Jean, Wilma.... Ernesto.

I lived in Florida the majority of my life. Four years in Alabama, one year in Wyoming and three in Washington, D. C. ... but I was never in a hurricane till three years ago!
Frances, Jean, Wilma.... Ernesto.

I lived in Florida the majority of my life. Four years in Alabama, one year in Wyoming and three in Washington, D. C. ... but I was never in a hurricane till three years ago!

AS of today Ive been in the eye of three!
Well It certainly cannot be because of that global warming myth. You must have voted liberal and brought the wrath of god down upon your own head.
See, you are learning. But the whole Global Warming Hurricane thing isn't panning out this season. Wait till next one, it might be bad enough to point it out...

I just am kinda pissed, my relatives in Tampa have not had a hurricane since Donna in 1968.

I am tired of putting up the shudders, it takes all day in the heat. I am tired of waiting in line at the gas station and home depot and I am tired of having no eletricity for 5 - 8 days every summer.

I was a good sport the first time. I felt fine the second time. I was feeling a bit "why me/us" the third time... I am now pissed facing the fourth time!
I know they already went way up, but if a couple of moderate or one major one hits they will go up more.
Gotta keep those insurance company profits growing you know.
Now, after I was up till midnight putting my shudders up... the dam thing is weak and going to be much more inland than where I live.
I just let the secretaries go home... told them to come back Thursday.

I wish I had not let my wife push me into putting up the shudders.
Its a tropical storm ... so Alex.. you didnt need to be put up your mothers storm panals after all.... but..better safe than sorry... maybe your mom will reward you with some cookies and milk....