Hypocritical Trumpers On The Road

Into Тhe Night

Banned Spoof Account
I sometimes see people on the road with Trump stickers on their cars and trucks, and these same people always break the laws of the road. They always speed. They never use turn signals. They constantly do illegal passes.

These people claim to believe in following the laws. What gives? Is it a case of "rules for thee but not for me"?
I sometimes see people on the road with Trump stickers on their cars and trucks, and these same people always break the laws of the road. They always speed. They never use turn signals. They constantly do illegal passes.

These people claim to believe in following the laws. What gives? Is it a case of "rules for thee but not for me"?

I just drove quite a few thousand miles across the country. My experience: The most terrible drivers are semi-truck drivers. They cut in front of you when they feel like it. I actually kind of saved a trucker's life on the way here. He was passing me on a 2-lane road, he miscalculated and would have hit an oncoming car if I didn't hit the brakes and let him back in front of me. Yesterday I dump truck blew though a yield sign and almost hit me - he didn't even look, I guess he figured he's big enough no one will mess with him.

You'd expect people who drive professionally to be better drivers.
I just drove quite a few thousand miles across the country. My experience: The most terrible drivers are semi-truck drivers. They cut in front of you when they feel like it. I actually kind of saved a trucker's life on the way here. He was passing me on a 2-lane road, he miscalculated and would have hit an oncoming car if I didn't hit the brakes and let him back in front of me. Yesterday I dump truck blew though a yield sign and almost hit me - he didn't even look, I guess he figured he's big enough no one will mess with him.

You'd expect people who drive professionally to be better drivers.

I had some dick in a semi tailgate me recently. Fortunately, I have a dash cam and a rear window cam. I filed a report with the appropriate federal agency, and then I contacted that truck company with a complaint and a copy of the relevant footage, along with a photo of the license plate.

I'm sure nothing will happen, but it's better than doing nothing. Maybe someone in the company will discipline the driver for driving like a maniac. Idk.