Hysterical Putin Pals Claim the Deep State Took Out Tucker Carlson

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The explosive news of Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News came as a surprise to many, including some of his biggest fans: propagandists who are shilling for the Kremlin on Russian state TV.

Staring into the camera, Solovyov urged: “Tucker, come work with us! Solovyov Live is waiting for you, Tucker!” Earlier the same day, RT and Solovyov Live offered Carlson a job, on Twitter and Telegram respectively.

During his evening show, Solovyov proclaimed: “Freedom to Tucker Carlson!” Drobnitsky noted that the American host is not in prison, but Solovyov worried out loud that this might be exactly what’s coming next: “They’ll throw him in prison, wait and see.”

On Tuesday morning, co-host of 60 Minutes Olga Skabeeva said she had some “sad news” to report: “Fox News terminated their contract with one of the most prominent TV hosts in their history, our favorite, Tucker Carlson...
Tucker Carlson Stars on Russian State TV - with Subtitles!

Kremlin Memo Names Tucker Carlson As 'Essential' To Its Propaganda Strategy

I read that RT is offering him a job. He is a perfect fit there.
There may be more lawsuits for Fox in the future caused by Tucker. If he cannot lie, he has no program.
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During his evening show, Solovyov proclaimed: “Freedom to Tucker Carlson!” Drobnitsky noted that the American host is not in prison, but Solovyov worried out loud that this might be exactly what’s coming next: “They’ll throw him in prison, wait and see.”

Solovyov is thinking in Russian terms (perhaps he doesn't know any better). If the government doesn't like you, they trump(!) up some fictitious charge and throw you in prison. The law courts take their orders from the state.

Russians call that "telephone justice" - the judges wait for a phone call from the Kremlin to tell them what the verdict should be.