I ALSO went to see my Doctor today.


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I was thinking about canceling because of all this coronavirus talk, but decided to go because I twisted my knee playing tennis and wanted to get an X-ray.

So I got there the 15 minutes early that they always state they want you to do and found only one set of doors were working. I walked up and there was some Nurse who said she needed to take my temperature. I thought she was going to 'forehead' me, but instead she stuck it in my ear. She smiled and said "You're good" and waved me in. I walked in and the place was almost deserted. I walked down the hall to where I needed to 'sign in' and noticed the seating had Yellow Tape (like Police tape) on three chairs, then none on the next, then three chairs, then none on the next one. I guess it was for 'social distancing'. Before I could sit down, I was called and put in the usual room to wait 20 minutes before being seen.
After the routine Exam, I went to where they took X-rays and saw 2 people wearing masks. Uh-oh! I started thinking maybe I didn't need an X-ray anyway. I stuck around, crossing my fingers. The doors open, and a masked person comes out, and the Nurse with her looks at me and says "Your turn". I'm thinking "Oh fuck, I'm going right after the coronavirus person?!?" So, before I even get to the X-ray room, I ask the Nurse if the woman before me had coronavirus. She says "No. No one is allowed in here if they have a temperature". So I felt a little better.

Anyway, on the way home I looked at restaurants, and one after another were Closed. I saw one that said "Take Out Service".
I was called and put in the usual room to wait 20 minutes before being seen.

Was that after waiting 1/2 hr. - 1 hr. in the waiting room?

I had a primary care doc I used to see for my annual exam. I always scheduled for the first appt. of the day, no matter how long out in advance it was so I wouldn't have to wait.
Two times in a row I got to his office about 5 min. til 8 a.m., sat in the waiting room 1/2 hr., nurse took my temp. and bp and I sat alone in the exam room for at least another 20 minutes.
I switched docs, asked for my records and explained in a short note why (the above ^) I fired him.
I was a dentist and never, ever treated my patients like that. If I was even a little late with the previous pt. I had my asst. go out and explain that , sorry we're running a little over. Pt's were appreciative.
What is it with these docs that make you wait? Do they really think I'll be more grateful when they finally show up?:mad:
Was that after waiting 1/2 hr. - 1 hr. in the waiting room?

I had a primary care doc I used to see for my annual exam. I always scheduled for the first appt. of the day, no matter how long out in advance it was so I wouldn't have to wait.
Two times in a row I got to his office about 5 min. til 8 a.m., sat in the waiting room 1/2 hr., nurse took my temp. and bp and I sat alone in the exam room for at least another 20 minutes.
I switched docs, asked for my records and explained in a short note why (the above ^) I fired him.
I was a dentist and never, ever treated my patients like that. If I was even a little late with the previous pt. I had my asst. go out and explain that , sorry we're running a little over. Pt's were appreciative.
What is it with these docs that make you wait? Do they really think I'll be more grateful when they finally show up?:mad:

:) That's usually the routine, but the place was almost deserted (maybe others canceled like I thought about doing?), I was called before I could find a seat to sit in.