I am curious Cypress ...


Villified User
About what is the line in your trailer about "saving Iraq's music program" all about?
I must have missed that , and have kept getting more curious about it for a while.

I don't follow all the dixie threads because I hate to put on my gum boots in the house.
it is a "tribute", if you will, to Dixie's ever changing, ever annoying signature line where he takes a sentence out of context from a liberal and then adds his "explanation" as to what the person was saying which, in each and every case, bears little to no similarity to what the person actually meant.

In this case, I had suggested that, given the lack of WMD's, the lack of AQ connections, the fact that Saddam had been doing a great job in keeping Islamic extremists OUT of Iraq, keeping the lid on sectarian violence, and keeping a lid on Iranian regional aspirations - three things the US has proven terrible at doing, we would have been better off if we had left Saddam in power. Dixie replied to that suggestion by 1.) putting my suggestion as his "pinhead quote of the moment" replete with his assinine mischaracterization of it, and 2.) posted a picture of an Iraqi guy playing a flute in a group of people standing in the street, ostensibly "celebrating" the downfall of Saddam. I felt compelled to take his quote about the guy with the flute and add it to the ever growing list of idiotic reasons that Dixie has offered up as rationale for this terrible terrible war we have mistakenly gotten ourselves embroiled in.
Thanks for the update Maine. I figured it to be something like that, but my curosity got the best of me :)
Now if we could just figure out why Dixie is so screwed up, we could probably get our doctrate in Psychololgy :D