I Am Dead


Verified User


I intend to continue writing all of these irrefutable truths and more:

China Joe Biden

Senile Joe Biden

Catatonic Joe Biden

Brain-Dead Biden

Pus-Brain Biden

Despicable Joe Biden

Scummy Joe Biden

Baby Butcher

Race Hustler

Suck Ass











I got sick to my stomach every time I saw then-Senator Biden’s name or image. It got worse in the years that filthy piece of garbage was vice president. Alas, there is a good chance I will become so sick that scum will kill me just by him being president.

p.s. My favorite names for Scummy Joe Biden include calling him all the other names Americans call him.

I intend to continue writing all of these irrefutable truths and more:

China Joe Biden

Senile Joe Biden

Catatonic Joe Biden

Brain-Dead Biden

Pus-Brain Biden

Despicable Joe Biden

Scummy Joe Biden

Baby Butcher

Race Hustler

Suck Ass











I got sick to my stomach every time I saw then-Senator Biden’s name or image. It got worse in the years that filthy piece of garbage was vice president. Alas, there is a good chance I will become so sick that scum will kill me just by him being president.

p.s. My favorite names for Scummy Joe Biden include calling him all the other names Americans call him.

Are you referring to Trump???????????????????
The profound irrelevance of trumpanzees has not yet become apparent to Flanders.
He's still posting shit as if it actually meant something.
It never did, actually, but now it doesn't even have the illusion of relevance.
I Am Dead

For years, Nugent claimed he would be arrested any day now. He still has not been arrested. In fact, the Democrats have mostly ignored him. This is all the more surprising, because he has openly raped several children. He even legally adopted a child to rape her. My God, he even wrote a song about raping a 13 year old girl.

I intend to continue writing all of these irrefutable truths and more:

China Joe Biden

Senile Joe Biden

Catatonic Joe Biden

Brain-Dead Biden

Pus-Brain Biden

Despicable Joe Biden

Scummy Joe Biden

Baby Butcher

Race Hustler

Suck Ass











I got sick to my stomach every time I saw then-Senator Biden’s name or image. It got worse in the years that filthy piece of garbage was vice president. Alas, there is a good chance I will become so sick that scum will kill me just by him being president.

p.s. My favorite names for Scummy Joe Biden include calling him all the other names Americans call him.

Find a new hobby, making up childish name for those you hate only reflects on your own maturity level......

I intend to continue writing all of these irrefutable truths and more:

China Joe Biden

Senile Joe Biden

Catatonic Joe Biden

Brain-Dead Biden

Pus-Brain Biden

Despicable Joe Biden

Scummy Joe Biden

Baby Butcher

Race Hustler

Suck Ass











I got sick to my stomach every time I saw then-Senator Biden’s name or image. It got worse in the years that filthy piece of garbage was vice president. Alas, there is a good chance I will become so sick that scum will kill me just by him being president.

p.s. My favorite names for Scummy Joe Biden include calling him all the other names Americans call him.

You're going to have to ease up on some of that. As proven today by his EOs, he is going to be bad for America. Buckle up, this is not going to be pretty. It may turn the whole country Republican, though.

May I now have an answer to my question?

Not sure what A2K is, I have belonged to more than few sites and left most behind, and yes sometimes I run into those I have known on them. I only use this handle so easy to identify and I recognize yours, but the site escapes me but do recall being there for some serious time, which it is I do not know. Heck I joined her in 2017, then left almost immediately after until just recently, I forgot all about this place until I stumbled across it again.
Leftist shills have been doing that daily for 4 years...LOL!
Every day a new derogatory name for Trump.

Sorry to disappoint, my main disrespect for trump was to Never capitalize his name, never refer to him as a Man, he isn't, and in the end a POS, which he was. Childish names I leave to children.
Sorry to disappoint, my main disrespect for trump was to Never capitalize his name, never refer to him as a Man, he isn't, and in the end a POS, which he was. Childish names I leave to children.

blah blah blah

I'm gonna STFU before a 12b, because I think you are what 12b is about.

I intend to continue writing all of these irrefutable truths and more:

China Joe Biden

Senile Joe Biden

Catatonic Joe Biden

Brain-Dead Biden

Pus-Brain Biden

Despicable Joe Biden

Scummy Joe Biden

Baby Butcher

Race Hustler

Suck Ass











I got sick to my stomach every time I saw then-Senator Biden’s name or image. It got worse in the years that filthy piece of garbage was vice president. Alas, there is a good chance I will become so sick that scum will kill me just by him being president.

p.s. My favorite names for Scummy Joe Biden include calling him all the other names Americans call him.

Just say Quid Pro Joe, Joe Xinping, or Beijing Biden. It's not that difficult...
Not sure what A2K is, I have belonged to more than few sites and left most behind, and yes sometimes I run into those I have known on them. I only use this handle so easy to identify and I recognize yours, but the site escapes me but do recall being there for some serious time, which it is I do not know. Heck I joined her in 2017, then left almost immediately after until just recently, I forgot all about this place until I stumbled across it again.

It is not JPP that is the issue that was presented to you.....it was Hawkey10.

Kindly attempt to track.

For years, Nugent claimed he would be arrested any day now. He still has not been arrested. In fact, the Democrats have mostly ignored him. This is all the more surprising, because he has openly raped several children. He even legally adopted a child to rape her. My God, he even wrote a song about raping a 13 year old girl.

Sounds like Elvis.

You're an Elvis fan aren't you?
Sounds like Elvis.

You're an Elvis fan aren't you?

I think you mean Jerry Lee Lewis, not Elvis. And I am more of a Beatles person than an Elvis person.

Jerry Lee Lewis married a very young girl of 13. It was legal in the state they did it at the time. Not even going to try to defend that, and I certainly would not want him representing me in a public interest group. I would not call him the "gold standard of family values", and I would not vote for anyone who would call him that. I will say that his other relationships have mostly been with adults.

Nugent forced a 12 year old girl to give him oral sex. When confronted about it, he said there were so many other girls, he is unsure if he did that one or not. 12 years old is tough to confuse with an adult, but easy to confuse with other 12 year olds. He has gotten several girls in their young teens pregnant. His one hit was about the diseases he gets from not wearing a condom. He wrote an entire song about his love of raping 13 year old girls. He adopted one child (not married, but adopted) just to have her travel with him for sex.

There is no state in the world where you can have sex legally with your daughter. By adopting the child, he became legally her father.

Nugent was called the "gold standard of family values" by Palin. He is a leader of the NRA, a major public interest group. I say it reflects badly on all involved.

Meanwhile, Nugent kept claiming that Obama was going to come for him... Guess what, Obama ignored him.
You're going to have to ease up on some of that. As proven today by his EOs, he is going to be bad for America.

To Matt Dillon: There is a bright side in America’s future that transcends Pus-Brain Joe Biden’s theft. All of the filthy scum in the media, in the federal government, in the Courts, in state governments, and in the ranks of tax dollar millionaires/billionaires that took part in the robbery accomplished the thing they feared the most —— a return to limited government and individual liberties.

Buckle up, this is not going to be pretty. It may turn the whole country Republican, though.

To Matt Dillon: The country will not become establishment Republican because douche bag Donald Trump’s second term was stolen by the Parasite Class. Basically, an overwhelming majority of Americans finally identified the enemies within. Scummy Joe Biden was a perfect candidate, but the way the thieves committed the robbery is why Americans will never again trust or admire the scum in government.

Every day a new derogatory name for Trump.

To Matt Dillon: The NY douche bag was fair game, while the lies they told about Melania Trump were uncalled for —— more shameful when you remember how media mouths glorified two of the foulest women that ever disgraced American politics —— first ladies Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

I do not forget or forgive; so I will start the ball rolling on First Lady Jill Biden.

Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that Jill Biden is infected with sexually transmitted diseases. My agents are working on finding out if “Doctor” Jill caught syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV-AIDS from Scummy Joe, or if she infected him.
Just say Quid Pro Joe, Joe Xinping, or Beijing Biden. It's not that difficult...

Biden never praised China, never wanted to be like them.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Teabaggers cheer for China and communist.