I am having to explain the news to alt right posters


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There is very little actual debate going on, as I have to explain the news to alt right posters. They do not even seem to have the basic information to debate.

Part of it is not surprising. Many alt right posters do not believe evolution is real. How do we expect them to debate the effects of evolution?

The question is should these posters just be ignored. Their opinion is really useless. Sadly, they are voting.
There is very little actual debate going on, as I have to explain the news to alt right posters. They do not even seem to have the basic information to debate.

Part of it is not surprising. Many alt right posters do not believe evolution is real. How do we expect them to debate the effects of evolution?

The question is should these posters just be ignored. Their opinion is really useless. Sadly, they are voting.

At some point about 20 years ago, Republicans largely decided that "blog science" was somehow more reputable than peer-reviwed science published in reputable scientific and medical journals.
At some point about 20 years ago, Republicans largely decided that "blog science" was somehow more reputable than peer-reviwed science published in reputable scientific and medical journals.

We are limited by science's limitations, but they have no such limitations.

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Hello Walt,

There is very little actual debate going on, as I have to explain the news to alt right posters. They do not even seem to have the basic information to debate.

Part of it is not surprising. Many alt right posters do not believe evolution is real. How do we expect them to debate the effects of evolution?

The question is should these posters just be ignored. Their opinion is really useless. Sadly, they are voting.

I think you are doing a good job of explaining.

I only put people on Ignore if they are rude to me or openly racist. Funny thing, that eliminates all the right wing extremist posters.

They fly into a rage as soon as I post my point of view.

I have done nothing to them, said nothing about them, but their anger is seething.

I have no interest nor time to engage in an insult contest, so their posts get filtered out.

It is possible to find moderate conservatives to debate issues, but rare.

They worry about perceived problems which are not really problems at all. Immigration, CRT, etc. They overlook very glaring very real problems, simply denying they exist. No pandemic, no climate crisis, etc.

JPP has helped explain the confused motivations of the right quite well. Educational, informative. And a pleasure if the proper filters are set.
It is possible to find moderate conservatives to debate issues, but rare.

I would even be grateful if there was a real conservative... Someone who had conservative views, but also accepted reality. America is really doomed with such a large minority that will not accept reality.
Hello Walt,

I would even be grateful if there was a real conservative... Someone who had conservative views, but also accepted reality. America is really doomed with such a large minority that will not accept reality.

There have been many points in our history where it looked bleak for the USA. We have prevailed in each and every case, of course.

Let's hope that continues for as long as possible.

My attitude is I can't change other people, but I can certainly control my own actions.

I employ simple logic to determine what is good.

I ask: "If everyone acted that way, would it benefit the nation? Or be detrimental."

As far as debating politics goes: If everyone spoke to the point in a civil manner, and refrained from making it about other posters, then issues could be examined from many perspectives, possibly leading to a creative solution, or at least better understanding of everyone's concerns.

All of this petty name-calling and ill-will-wishing impedes productive functional discussion.

I wish more people would try to be great. How can we make America greater if people don't try to be great?

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss current events. Small minds dwell on other people.

It's challenging to try to get people to talk about ideas. They are so busy insulting one another that posts about ideas often scroll quickly off the page.

Once in a while it is possible to peak someone's imagination and find a spark.

I'm here for the sparks, not the flames.
I would even be grateful if there was a real conservative... Someone who had conservative views, but also accepted reality. America is really doomed with such a large minority that will not accept reality.

They are Trump fascists. They think power can replace truth. This is why they are a minority.
Hello Walt,

There have been many points in our history where it looked bleak for the USA. We have prevailed in each and every case, of course.

Let's hope that continues for as long as possible.

My attitude is I can't change other people, but I can certainly control my own actions.

I employ simple logic to determine what is good.

I ask: "If everyone acted that way, would it benefit the nation? Or be detrimental."

As far as debating politics goes: If everyone spoke to the point in a civil manner, and refrained from making it about other posters, then issues could be examined from many perspectives, possibly leading to a creative solution, or at least better understanding of everyone's concerns.

All of this petty name-calling and ill-will-wishing impedes productive functional discussion.

I wish more people would try to be great. How can we make America greater if people don't try to be great?

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss current events. Small minds dwell on other people.

It's challenging to try to get people to talk about ideas. They are so busy insulting one another that posts about ideas often scroll quickly off the page.

Once in a while it is possible to peak someone's imagination and find a spark.

I'm here for the sparks, not the flames.

wise words