I am sure #45's kissers would appreciate their tyrant is trying to kill economies


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At walking around with their heads up tRump's hide, I am sure his kissers and brainwashed cult followers and trolls are pleased to know that their fake so-called president and global atrocity tRump, among his gutter swamp administration. This comes to their demonic scheme of cornering the not only U.S. economy but based on logic the global economy, considering the U.S. economy is intertwined with global markets and even among enemies of America. It certainly is not normal when there is a civilized element involved but at tRump and his barbaric mob of degenerates as criminals against humanity, that appears to be their putrid norm:

‘This is not normal’: Economists point to flurry of warning signs that Trump is driving economy into a recession

Trump about to embark on yet another trade war — this time with Mexico — economists and financial analysts are surveying the economic landscape and are painting a frightening portrait of a coming recession as soon as 2020.
According to a report at Politico, “Trump is edging to the brink of a two-front trade war in a very different environment than he enjoyed last year, when the GOP tax cut pumped billions of dollars of stimulus into the U.S. economy,” adding, “Analysts now expect economic growth to slow closer to a 2 percent pace this year. And investors, Wall Street analysts and the Federal Reserve are signaling that if Trump doesn’t make quick deals, growth could stall out completely.”

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More on the devils in the White House as the #45 threat on the world and not just America either, and despite this constant kissing of tRump's hide, this entire fraudulent and illegitimate administration from hell is a lose-lose situation in a civilization society:

World Economy
French Finance Minister Le Maire: ‘A trade war would mean an economic crisis all over the world, and especially in Europe’

Key Points
French Finance and Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire says if the trade tensions between U.S. and China continue to escalate, that would have a negative impact all over the world — especially in Europe.
He says Europe’s economy is already performing worse than it otherwise would because of the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China.
Governments need to clearly distinguish between national security concerns and trade disputes, the French official says."

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In particular in terms of economies, according to the following gory details. Running with this fake president and maniac tRump is like a high speed train running off a cliff, and I am sure there is no Make America Great Again implications with that deplorable scenario. Actually tRump's mentally deplorable and unfit tendencies could be a threat on the global economies and not only the economy of America.

Trump Falsely Claims He Has Wiped Out 150% Of China’s Economy
He gloated China’s economy has lost up to $20 trillion in value since his election. If true, that would have wiped China off the economic map.

mp let fly a jaw-dropping lie in a chatty interview with CNBC Monday, saying that because of his get-tough trade war with China, the Asian nation’s economy has lost ″$15 to $20 trillion in value since the day I was elected.”
The Chinese economy is worth an estimated $13 trillion (it was $12.2 trillion in 2017, according to the World Bank). To wipe out 150% of China’s GDP would erase the country from the world economy and would be pretty ― incredible."

Just in time for the elections.......

He will try to bully the fed, beg the Chinese, whatever it takes to hold it off till after the election.... The way he is going I don't think he is going to make it..
Sorry, but it is rude to hold Trumpy responsible for what he says. The facts actually change when he says them.