I am the reincarnation of Jesus

Also, I killed God for his crimes against humanity committed during his infatuation with the Jewish peoples a couple thousand years ago, so your safe from that maniac.
He's lying. I just looked out my window, and Detroit is still standing (well as much as it was yesterday anyways).
I'm officially declaring that there's no hell.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Exit"]Hell is other people[/ame] according to Jean Paul-Sartre; although being the perverse person that he was would insist in speaking French hence l'enfer, c'est les autres.
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I have a surprising revalation: there really is no afterlife. Cherish you're life and live well. Do things according to your innate moral compass, don't try to construe old, barbaric documents in a selfish attempt to get to a great place that doesn't really exist.
My 'innate moral compass' is what told me to do those things. Or my dick. I confuse the two often.