I am to clear up misconception


New member
Hi, My name a Borat. I like you. I like sex, it's nice. My country of a Kazakhstan has sent me to America to make movie picture. I hope you go see, if it is not big hit, they execute me.

I am also to clear up misconception Americans may have about my country. We are much more civilized than people think, we now allow women on the inside of bus, and gays no longer have to wear blue hat. One thing is different from America in voting, in America, women can vote, horses can't. Women do not drive, we say a woman with car is like monkey with wings. Woman carrying book is like horse carrying saddle. American football is sport much like our national sport, we turn dogs loose in a field, then shoot them in head and have big party.

In my country, we have three main issues, economic, social, and jew. In my country, we have saying-- 'throw the jew down the well.' We made a song- Throw the Jew down the well, so my country can be free...You must grab him by his horns, and then we have a big party.

We support Bush War of Terrors and hope he kill every Iraqi and drink their blood. We love your jew-hating patriot, Mel Gibson! I am to issue this- is final warning for Uzbek propagandist claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tons of human pubis per year, we will soon be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapults.

Also, you may hear some lies from a man claiming to be Minister of Information in Kazakhstan, he is imposter.
I'm not so sure of how I feel about Borat humor. It's almost like watching a train wreck. Is it me, or does it almost seem to be reverse-psychological-shock-therapy, like Archie Bunker or Richard Pryor?
I'm not so sure of how I feel about Borat humor. It's almost like watching a train wreck.

It makes me cringe (as does The Office) but it is pure comedy gold. You can't help laughing through the cringing.....

Sacha Baron Cohen reminds me of Peter Sellers.....
I'm not so sure of how I feel about Borat humor. It's almost like watching a train wreck.

It makes me cringe (as does The Office) but it is pure comedy gold. You can't help laughing through the cringing.....

Sacha Baron Cohen reminds me of Peter Sellers.....

Thinking about Sellers....The origional Casino Royalle was on satellite last night :)
I'm not so sure of how I feel about Borat humor. It's almost like watching a train wreck. Is it me, or does it almost seem to be reverse-psychological-shock-therapy, like Archie Bunker or Richard Pryor?

That is exactly what it is. The actual Sacha Baron Cohen is a practicing Jew that actually went to University and majored in something relating to Jews.

He reminds me of Archie Bunker, Peter Sellers, and Andy Kaufmann all rolled into one.

I think that movie is so funny.
That is exactly what it is. The actual Sacha Baron Cohen is a practicing Jew that actually went to University and majored in something relating to Jews.

He reminds me of Archie Bunker, Peter Sellers, and Andy Kaufmann all rolled into one.

I think that movie is so funny.

I would like to say this is lie of propaganda spread by lying rat in my country. Who is this Sacha Cohen? Is a jew name, Cohen, no? They think you stupid Americans how you say... drink the koolaides. Don't be fool, bad things may happen to you. This is advice from Borat, don't believe these lies of propaganda!
I would like to say this is lie of propaganda spread by lying rat in my country. Who is this Sacha Cohen? Is a jew name, Cohen, no? They think you stupid Americans how you say... drink the koolaides. Don't be fool, bad things may happen to you. This is advice from Borat, don't believe these lies of propaganda!

I would like to say that this is not the real Bore Rat! But, how you say, he is becoming bore ring!!!!
I would like to say that this is not the real Bore Rat! But, how you say, he is becoming bore ring!!!!

Are you clever spy sent by lying rat in my country? Why you have Kazakh name for sagging vagina like wizards sleeve? Either you jew or spy sent by lying rat.
Are you clever spy sent by lying rat in my country? Why you have Kazakh name for sagging vagina like wizards sleeve? Either you jew or spy sent by lying rat.

Whatever you say SJJ!!! Have you moved from the NJ dump to Okie land yet?
Whatever you say SJJ!!! Have you moved from the NJ dump to Okie land yet?

Prikster, I wish you would clue us in on what the fuck you are yammering about. Who the hell is SJJ and what is the NJ/Okie connection? I am baffled. Is this something about Borat that I don't know, or do you know this troll by another name or on another board? What the hell are you talking about?

I agree with Blackflag *hides from lightning bolt* Whoever is doing Borat, is doing him well. Given all the 'sex with men' stuff, it's probably Rob!