I beat up a Trump supporter after work today and I'm ashamed.

American Man

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I was a red light when a truck pulled up really close behind me. The roads were snowy and slippery, and my tires are a bit worn, so I like to take my time in the snow. As soon as the light turned green, this guy laid on his horn for about 2-3 seconds.

I go and we ge to another red light. Same thing happens. He gets right on my ass, and as soon as the light turns green, he lays on the horn. I don't even have time to switch my foot from the brake to the gas and this asshole acts like I'm asleep at a green light.

We get to the third light, and the same thing happened. At this light, there's a small gas station, which I turn into to get gas. He follows me and parks at the pump next time.

Now, this idiot thinks it's a good idea to get out and harass me. He marches his short little self to my car and starts yelling at me. I ignore him, which must have pissed him off, because he get in my face. I still ignore him and pump my gas. As I put the pump back, he grabs my jacket.

That's when I pull out my pistol and whip him in the cheekbone with it.

The little bitch fell against the trash can between our pumps and begged me not to shoot him.

Long story short, I took his keys, tossed them into the snowy road, and drove off. It was only as I pulled out of the gas station that I saw the TRUMP sticker on the back of his truck.

(Oh, and I know the guy who owns the gas station, so I don't need to worry about cops getting involved.)

Still feel ashamed about my loss of control, but at least I didn't shoot the guy.
I don't think this has any thing to do with 'Trump Supporter'.
This is more about 'Civility' and 'Manners'.
This person was uncivil and needed assistance in understanding 'Morality'.
You did a Good Deed. God, The Most Merciful, will give you a Reward.
I was a red light when a truck pulled up really close behind me. The roads were snowy and slippery, and my tires are a bit worn, so I like to take my time in the snow. As soon as the light turned green, this guy laid on his horn for about 2-3 seconds.

I go and we ge to another red light. Same thing happens. He gets right on my ass, and as soon as the light turns green, he lays on the horn. I don't even have time to switch my foot from the brake to the gas and this asshole acts like I'm asleep at a green light.

We get to the third light, and the same thing happened. At this light, there's a small gas station, which I turn into to get gas. He follows me and parks at the pump next time.

Now, this idiot thinks it's a good idea to get out and harass me. He marches his short little self to my car and starts yelling at me. I ignore him, which must have pissed him off, because he get in my face. I still ignore him and pump my gas. As I put the pump back, he grabs my jacket.

That's when I pull out my pistol and whip him in the cheekbone with it.

The little bitch fell against the trash can between our pumps and begged me not to shoot him.

Long story short, I took his keys, tossed them into the snowy road, and drove off. It was only as I pulled out of the gas station that I saw the TRUMP sticker on the back of his truck.

(Oh, and I know the guy who owns the gas station, so I don't need to worry about cops getting involved.)

Still feel ashamed about my loss of control, but at least I didn't shoot the guy.

Ah, if for real, doubtful, the guy could have been a husband, father, son, relative, and umpteen other classifications that defined him before he was a Trump supporter, you got to get out more, lot more
You should count yourself lucky that no one sicced the police on you. Pulling a firearm in such a situation is brandishing a weapon. Hitting him with it is felony assault. If he really thought you'd shoot him, most likely because you pointed it at him, would get you another felony.

Yes, road rage is a problem and this guy had a bad case of it. But that doesn't entitle you to over react with potentially deadly force either.