APP - I believe we should stop policing predominantly black neighborhoods


Former Vice President
If I were a white cop, I would refuse to police these areas

You are in a no win situation. Either you get accuse of abusing people or you are putting your life at risk. If people want to live and act like animals, I say let them. I wouldn't put my life at risk to protect people who don't appreciate what I do.

As I said earlier, what happened in Dallas is years in the making and can be laid at the feet of liberals and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder and.................
If I were a white cop, I would refuse to police these areas

You are in a no win situation. Either you get accuse of abusing people or you are putting your life at risk. If people want to live and act like animals, I say let them. I wouldn't put my life at risk to protect people who don't appreciate what I do.

As I said earlier, what happened in Dallas is years in the making and can be laid at the feet of liberals and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder and.................

Who is we?? You policing somewhere??

That's the job, you don't like it?? YOU'RE FIRED!!!!
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cops are doing a work slowdown in Baltimore after Freddie Grey ( per the Baltimore Sunpapers ) in terms of community policing .
Basically they do their job, and answer 9-11 calls -but no community work.
It's bad for everybody and Baltimore's murder rate which is always high is now a record per capita.

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising

with 344 murders, last year was the bloodiest year in the City of Baltimore’s history. But as 2016 reaches its halfway point, the bloodshed seems to be showing no signs of stopping.
Thus far, the town once called “Charm City” has suffered 114 deaths, mostly a result of gang warfare.

Now that summer has pretty much begun, the murder rate is ticking up as well. In the last week of May alone, an incredible twelve murders were committed in the city.

This year is following closely the dangerous pattern seen last year. Baltimore’s per capita murder rate in 2015 was the worst the city has ever recorded. Even though there
cops are doing a work slowdown in Baltimore after Freddie Grey ( per the Baltimore Sunpapers ) in terms of community policing .
Basically they do their job, and answer 9-11 calls -but no community work.
It's bad for everybody and Baltimore's murder rate which is always high is now a record per capita.

After Bloodiest Year, Baltimore Murder Rate Still Rising

with 344 murders, last year was the bloodiest year in the City of Baltimore’s history. But as 2016 reaches its halfway point, the bloodshed seems to be showing no signs of stopping.
Thus far, the town once called “Charm City” has suffered 114 deaths, mostly a result of gang warfare.

Now that summer has pretty much begun, the murder rate is ticking up as well. In the last week of May alone, an incredible twelve murders were committed in the city.

This year is following closely the dangerous pattern seen last year. Baltimore’s per capita murder rate in 2015 was the worst the city has ever recorded. Even though there
They are having a slowdown to protest??

They don't like the fact that the ppl they are paid by, those they are suppose to serve don't like to die on the way to jail??
They are having a slowdown to protest??

They don't like the fact that the ppl they are paid by, those they are suppose to serve don't like to die on the way to jail??
they're not risking a crazy prosecutor like Mosby, and they aren't risking going into neighborhoods where they are unwanted.
The thing is most of the people in all the neighborhoods DO want a presence -
but the few who really don't want them there destroy the ability for community policing - they are vocal bad influence.
As acquittals add up, Freddie Gray prosecutor feels the heat
With two officers acquitted and a third now on trial, Mosby's critics are calling for her to resign and to drop the charges against all of the officers. Detractors say she has demoralized the Police Department and emboldened criminals, and speculation has begun about who would challenge her re-election in two years.
they're not risking a crazy prosecutor like Mosby, and they aren't risking going into neighborhoods where they are unwanted.
The thing is most of the people in all the neighborhoods DO want a presence -
but the few who really don't want them there destroy the ability for community policing - they are vocal bad influence.
As acquittals add up, Freddie Gray prosecutor feels the heat
With two officers acquitted and a third now on trial, Mosby's critics are calling for her to resign and to drop the charges against all of the officers. Detractors say she has demoralized the Police Department and emboldened criminals, and speculation has begun about who would challenge her re-election in two years.

What percent of the police force doing the policing in "those areas" reflect the neighborhood they are policing??
What percent of the police force doing the policing in "those areas" reflect the neighborhood they are policing??
I don't know exactly. west Baltimore is where the riots were. I found this:

Numbers Show Most Baltimore Cops Are Minorities
* Baltimore is a black-majority city led by a police force whose officers are mostly racial minorities as well..

*Baltimore was one of eight cities participating in an experimental Obama administration police reform program run by the Department of Justice and its Office of Community Oriented Police Services, or COPS. The program was designed to provide policing that was less adversarial and emphasized a cooperative spirit in poor neighborhoods.
I don't know exactly. west Baltimore is where the riots were. I found this:

Numbers Show Most Baltimore Cops Are Minorities
* Baltimore is a black-majority city led by a police force whose officers are mostly racial minorities as well..

*Baltimore was one of eight cities participating in an experimental Obama administration police reform program run by the Department of Justice and its Office of Community Oriented Police Services, or COPS. The program was designed to provide policing that was less adversarial and emphasized a cooperative spirit in poor neighborhoods.

Baltimore area resident Stacia L. Brown wrote in an April 29 New Republic article titled “Having Black Cops and Black Mayors Doesn’t End Police Brutality” that African-American police officers can suffer from “unconscious” racial bias.

THat confirms exactly what cowackO was saying in another thread about those racist comments posted by some cops on the force....

THat confirms exactly what cowackO was saying in another thread about those racist comments posted by some cops on the force....
sure. I didn't see cwacko's thread -but that makes sense.
They only way to stop it is by community policing -which Balto. has been doing. but now Mosby has poisoned all that and more.
And the one's who suffer are the residents themselves -not the cops.
sure. I didn't see cwacko's thread -but that makes sense.
They only way to stop it is by community policing -which Balto. has been doing. but now Mosby has poisoned all that and more.
And the one's who suffer are the residents themselves -not the cops.

Sadly what tends to happen is it becomes the cops Vs the community~good guys Vs bad guys & many in the community don't want cops because they treat everyone/almost everyone they are suppose to be "SERVING" as the enemy...
Sadly what tends to happen is it becomes the cops Vs the community~good guys Vs bad guys & many in the community don't want cops because they treat everyone/almost everyone they are suppose to be "SERVING" as the enemy...
it's complicated. What's happening in Baltimore (slowdown -murders) is a disservice to the residents who want/need protection.
I would not say "everyone" however - but it is enough for that attitude to prevail. And if one is one the receiving end of police brutality
"everyone" is enough if it's my ass on the line.
The only way any of this works is mutual respect, thru accountability, but also community support for cops
it's complicated. What's happening in Baltimore (slowdown -murders) is a disservice to the residents who want/need protection.
I would not say "everyone" however - but it is enough for that attitude to prevail. And if one is one the receiving end of police brutality
"everyone" is enough if it's my ass on the line.
The only way any of this works is mutual respect, thru accountability, but also community support for cops

That needs to go both ways... The cops need to show respect for the ppl they are paid to serve & have sworn to protect... If they can't do that, they need to find another job..